Chapter 35

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The pain of a killer headache and aching wrists set in before I even had my eyes open. The room was dark and smelt musty. It took me a minute to remember everything that had happened. I suppose this was the basement. I could barely see a thing, nothing but vague shadows and silhouettes around the room. It looked similar to the cell I was in earlier, except this one had a small, steel table against the wall and bolts on the floor.

I was locked in handcuffs and I couldn't pull my hands very far away from the wall. "Wankers," I mutter, my voice low and croaky. 

Now this really was a dilemma of sorts. Nobody knows where I am, nobody even knows that I'm in danger right now. I mean, Alex and the boys - who still classify as my gay daddies - think I am safe in Nacehor, mingling with my ex. Not to mention Alex threw my phone out the window on the highway so they don't have anything to track me down. Elijah is a conniving little asshole who I wouldn't trust if my life depended on it... Although, it did earlier and yet he drugged me and tied me to the basement floor... So disappointing. 

On the bright side, I will still alive. For now.

I managed to distinguish the sound of faint footsteps, slowly growing louder and louder until finally, they stop outside my door. 

Without warning, the door slams open and a bright, fluorescent light blinds me. The small light bulb in the middle of the room flickered. That is going to be infuriating. I blink a few times, my eyes finally adjusting and focusing on the men in front of me. One was a good 6'5 and stood, dressed in full black and combat boots, looking like he was a FBI agent bout to go exploring in the wilderness. The other was shorter, covered in tattoos and had a menacing grin on his face. 

They close the door behind them and the shorter guy cracks his knuckles. FBI guy comes straight up to me and punches me straight in the face. I pinch my eyes shut and crack my neck a few times. "Oh, okay, be that way then."

He lands another few solid punches before he finally got some blood on his hands. The shorter guy leaves and comes back with a sturdy-looking chair. He places it in the center of the room and gestures for FBI guy to get me up. He begins at my feet, slowly unchaining me. He does one hand and then quickly handcuffs it to my other wrist before doing the other. This is my chance. C'mon Ivy, you got this. 

The second my left hand was free, I kick FBI guy straight in the stomach, sending him doubling back and collapsing against the wall. Shorter dude runs towards me, hands raised in fighting position. I duck his first punch and step behind him, pulling my cuffed hands around his neck and suffocating him. "Go to sleep!" I whisper yell at him. He falls unconscious and I quickly let go of him as he collapses to the floor at my feet. FBI guy was just getting up so I used that to my advantage. I pick up the steel chair. It was actually a lot heavier than I thought it would be. I build up as much strength as I can muster and throw the chair at him. He collapses to the ground as well, unconscious. I grab the key from FBI guys hand and fumble around, unlocking my handcuffs. 

I stumble forward and try the door. Shit. It's locked. I glance down at FBI guy and awkwardly bend down, reaching into his pocket and feeling around. Nothing. I walk over to the other dude and try his pockets. I find a gun, a shifty looking knife and, thankfully, a key card. 

I take all three items and the handcuffs I dropped and race back to the door. It opens. I dash around the corner and freeze in my tracks. It was FBI guy's lookalike. "Hey! You!" He shouts, thumping towards me. I begin running towards him and, I kid you not, he lets out a loud, dramatic war cry before accidentally stumbling on his untied shoelaces and face planting right in front of me. 

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