Chapter 27

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Wham bam, thank you ma'am.

Bodyguard-man lay unconscious on the floor in front of me. "Right..." I furrow my eyebrows as I stare down at him. An idea pops into my head. I crouch down and attempt to push his body. He doesn't even budge. I grab one side of the fluffy white rug now stained with little bits of his blood, and begin to drag his body towards Alex's closet. After many failed attempts, I actually managed to get his body into his closet.

Another brilliant idea pops into my head and I quickly dash out of the room and down the stairs. I seriously never thought I would ever actually say this, but there is no time to take the elevator right now.

I all but sprint into the common room and begin to rummage through the art cupboard. I finally manage to find what I was looking for. Zip ties and duct tape.

I run - probably as fast as I have ever ran - back up the stairs and into the room, hoping that bodyguard-man was still asleep. He was. 

I begin by zip-tying his hands together and then wrap a few layers of tape around them just to be sure this hulk-resembling man doesn't break out of here when he wakes up. I do the same with his ankles and then find a stray pair of Alex's dirty socks and awkwardly open up his mouth, shoving them in, cringing as I do so, before taping over his mouth just to be safe. I take one last look at what I had done before closing the closet door and placing a padlock there, locking it. 

I go to the desk and grab a piece of refill out of Alex's drawers and a pen. 

Hey Bitch.

I'm gone now, sorry I didn't get to bully you in person one last time before I left. I should probably start by telling you that there is an unconscious, confined, hulk-man in your closet... Don't even ask why, just don't untie him or he might try to eat you.

You need to remember to feed Peter everyday and to turn the LED lights off in the morning before school. The fluffy rug is in my closet, you will need to dispose of it because it is covered in blood. I don't know what you are going to do about hulk-man... I guess you could follow out your murder plan after all. 

Tell the boys and the twins I've just transferred schools or something and say that I'll miss them.

Sorry, not sorry that I broke your pot plant, you can have mine. I have some of your hoodies, you are never getting them back and I don't care. You probably won't see me again. Ace found me and will continue to hunt me down so I might as well travel while I run. Thanks for being an annoying roomie. Here is the key for your closet, you can do whatever you want with hulk-man, but don't snitch on me for locking him up in there. 

Snitches get stitches, ya lil hoe. 

I finish writing on the paper and leave the key next to it on the desk. Alright, cool, done and dusted. I grab my duffel bag and reach the door before realizing that I was still in my prom dress.

I rummage through the few clothes that I had left in my drawers and pull out a pair of baggy, ripped jeans and a black, crew neck sweater. I slip on a pair of combat boots and throw my bag over my shoulder again, making my way down the hall and into the elevator. I exit the elevator and freeze. I can't just leave, the car will be waiting for me at the entrance...

 I think for a minute before my mind wanders back to the forest track. Surely I'll be able to find my way through there. I make my way to the wall and climb onto the shed, throwing my bag down and jumping over and getting ground-shock as my feet hit the other side.

I turn on my phone torch and begin to make my way around the side of the wall, following it all the way to the road. I make my way along the treeline, paranoid about Ace and his men giving up on trying to find me and driving past. The first car I had seen turns a corner and begins toward me from the opposite direction of the academy. I quickly step out of the forest and stick my thumb out and wave it around. The car pulls up and an old woman rolls her window down.

"Hello Love, what are you doing out here this late at night?" she asks, pulling her glasses away from her face. "Ah... I had car trouble and decided to hitchhike," I say to her. She sends me a kind smile. "Where are you headed, Sweety?" she asks. Hm... Good question. 

"Just to the nearest bus station," She leans over and props open the passenger door. "I'll give you a ride if you'd like," she smiles and puts her glasses back on. I slide into the car and beam. "Thank you so much," I grin back at her. 

The drive begins quietly, the woman, who I now knew as Sandra, just making small light conversation. After a while, the forest began to fade away and was replaced with farms and the occasional house. "You look so young, sweety, how old are you?" she asks, turning down the radio a little bit.

"Ah seventeen," I state. She goes on to ask me if I am still in school which leads to her asking which school I go to. I couldn't just tell her that I go to St. Louis... She might have a panic attack or something...

"Um, yeah I go to a school called Marlborough high," I mumble. To be honest, it sounded more like a question. She shakes her head a few times. "I haven't heard of it," she says. 

"We actually just had our school prom," I say, trying to keep up conversation. I mean, for one, it would be super awkward if the rest of the ride we were stuck in an awkward silence, and two, she is giving me a ride. She takes her eyes off the road to look at me for a split second. "Was it tonight?" she asks slowly. "...Yes?" I reply skeptically. Her face grows cold and she quickly swerves to the side of the road. Oh shit, what have I done? 

"Get out!" She shouts in my face. "Now!" I turn to face her and her eyes are narrowed. "Wait, what?" I ask, genuinely confused. "I know you go to the academy, everybody knows their prom is tonight," she laughs as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "Look, Sandra, I-" she cuts me off and reaches into her glovebox, pulling out a gun. 

"Oh wow, shit, okay," I awkwardly shuffle out of the car and back up a few steps and throwing my hands up. Why the hell does this woman even have a gun? She leans over, gun still raised and slams the passenger door closed. I watch her as she speeds off down the road, maybe getting a hundred meters before pulling over again, opening up the door and throwing my duffel bag onto the side of the road. It rolled down into the small ditch. I hadn't even realized it was still in her car up until now. 

I ponder up to where my bag was, thanking my lucky stars that the ditch was dry. I sigh. 

Well isn't this just brilliant?

. . .

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