Chapter 18

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I blink a few times. I shit, I must have actually fallen asleep while I was ignoring Alex. I could hear him talking on the other side of the room.

 "No. I'm not really up for it," he says. He must have been on the phone because I didn't hear a reply before he continued. "No. She is sleep."

"I don't want to wake her." The other line speaks again. Aw, he doesn't want to wake me up. "You and Enzo can just go and hang somewhere else." I imagine he was talking to Kai. The three of them had no other friends. In fact, they didn't even associate with anybody other than me. Almost every single student was scared of at least one of them for all different reasons and I guess that had a right to be, Alex and Kai were both reds and Enzo was just plain old aggressive. I was a red... I don't think anybody was scared of me, at least yet anyway...

They talk for a for a little longer before Alex hangs up. I was getting bored of fake sleeping but I didn't want to awkwardly 'wake up' right after he had finished his call. I don't even know how I'm supposed to 'wake up'. Should I yawn? Maybe do a little stretch? Before I could spend too much time overthinking it, Alex speaks. 

"I know your awake. I can hear your breathing," he states with a low chuckle. I roll over to face him. "Fucking pedo..." I trail off as I glance down at my attire, still in my uniform and cringe at how high my skirt had ridden up my thighs. I quickly pull it down and sit up, facing him.

Without actually clarifying it, Alex and I seemed to have gotten into quite the staring competition. I don't know how many minutes it had been before a knock on the door finally broke the eye contact. Alex looked away first though...

We both get up and he opens the door, revealing two junior girls. "Hey Alex!" They both sequel at the site of his shirtless body. Alex just chuckles and they continue, "Here." One girl thrusts a poster into his hands, her own hands lingering ever so slightly on his. 

Before any of us could say anything else, the girls dashed away down the hall, giggling to themselves. We walk back inside and I jump onto his bed as he sits down next to me. I glance down at the bright paper in his hand and sigh. Prom.

"Seriously? Bond 007? We had this theme like three years ago..." Alex trails off with a disappointed sigh. I roll my eyes. "The majority of the people here are literally sociopaths, you included, so why is prom even a thing here?" I ask, snatching the paper out of his hand to get a better view of it. I hate prom for literally every reason it stands. I hate people, especially in a big, crowded room and especially if those people are hormonal, sweaty, criminally insane kids. I can't dance, and even if I could, I would rather stab my eyes out. They are always monitored by teachers. It is hard enough to simply get through a day in this prison let alone a prom. 

"It's compulsory," Alex explains curtly. Ah, that explains it then. "So everyone has to go no matter what?" I ask, revolted. I will sue them all... The last time I went to a school dance, I ended up kicking my date where the sun don't shine with my four inch heels before tipping my spiked fruit punch over his head and strutting out of there like a savage. 

He told me that he was the one who spread the rumor that Sarah and Tom had a thing. He deserved it.

Alex nods. "Trust me, if there was a way out, I would have found out about it by now." I sigh. Well in that case, I guess I need to go dress shopping. I jump off the bed and pick my phone up. I call the person I knew would be able to help. 

"Wassup, my homie!" Sarah's overly enthusiastic voice chirps from the other line. I groan in response. "Jeez, who punched you in the tit today?" She chuckles. Alex begins to make a high-pitched moan in the background, coming up and standing behind me, wrapping an arm around my waist to keep me from running away. "Ohh... Is that your hottie of a roommate I hear?" Sarah murmurs. I elbow Alex and groan again. "Yeah, he is just sucking his own dick over here." I glare at him as he lets me go and perches himself against the desk.

"That could easily be fixed, I wish you weren't such a prude..." Alex shouts, loud enough for Sarah to hear on the other line. He does this shit every time I call someone and it literally makes me want to get a room change, among many other thing, of course.

Sarah cackles through the phone. "Anyway," I roll my eyes and turn away, to annoyed to even look at his stupidly handsome face.

"Do you happen to be up for kidnapping Ryan, a six hour drive and a shopping spree?" I cross my fingers. I really miss her and Ryan and just wish I could come back and visit them. Unless my dads signs me out for a completely justified reason, I'm not aloud to go home. She squeals excitedly and claps on the other line. "Of course, bitch! When? Now? I think Ryan has lacrosse training right now but no doubt he can make an exception..." She begins mumbling to herself as she thinks. 

"Not now, there is no point because we would only have three hours. Come on the weekend so then we have all day," I explain and sit down on my fluffy blanket. She sighs. "Good point... Plus, I don't want to miss my taekwondo sessions again... Mr. Yang got really, really angry last time and trust me, he is not the kind of man that you want to make angry." She chuckles slowly. "He's like a ninja..." She mutters. I couldn't help but laugh. Mr. Yang, Sarah's taekwondo instructor, was only 5'3 and was super frail, old and sweet and yet he was honestly one of the strongest, most intimidating men I had over seen in my life. "What time is your lunch at St. Louis?" She asks slowly. I could hear her typing on her laptop. 

I glance at Alex. "12:15?" I ask. He nods in response. 

Sarah continues, "okay, I'll arrange things with Ryan and we will pick you up at lunch on Friday. Don't worry about all that sign out bullshit, Ryan is your daddy now. he will sign you out for the weekend," She states with a satisfactory sigh. A smile pulls onto my face. Man, I really miss them. 

"Sounds good to me. I need a prom dress..." I mutter in disgust. Sarah laughed through the phone for the next three minutes straight. "Ah, really? You? Prom? Are you feverish? What have they done to you over there....?" She laughs again. I roll my eyes "They force everyone to go," I mutter. 

We talk for a little longer, catching up on everything and then she hangs up, claiming she had places to be and people to kill.

I stand up and move in front of Alex and gesture for him to move. He crosses his arms over his chest and doesn't budge an inch. "I need my hair brush," I state, gesturing the the draw he was standing in front of where my hairbrush was. He steps forward, definitely crossing the line into my own personal bubble. He stands there so I sigh and move around him, opening the draw and pulling my brush out. I turn around and gasp silently. Wow, and I though he was up in my space before... 

He puts his hands on either side of my hips on the desk and leans in impossibly close. I could feel his minty breathe on my cheeks and I am almost entirely sure that he was close enough to be able to hear my heart which was embarrassingly beating like it was after I had climbed the stairs in this damn place.

I gulp at the proximity and let out an awkward chuckle. "Yes?" I ask slowly. I almost felt claustrophobic. I couldn't escape, I couldn't even move because if I did, we would probably end up kissing. Is that really such a bad thing though? I mean, damn... I internally shake my head. He is my roommate! My roommate! What am I even doing with my life?

He reaches up and brushes a piece of hair behind my ear, his hand lingering on my cheek for a few seconds. When he finally pulled it away, I noticed his knuckles. I blink a few times and then lean back, just to be sure that when I moved to grab his hand, I didn't end up accidentally kissing him instead. "What the fuck happened here?" I mumble as I inspect the bruises and spots of blood across his knuckles. He quickly wrenches his hand out of mine and backs away. I furrow my eyebrows as his expression abruptly turns sour and he stumbles back to his bed, collapsing down onto in. He ignores my question. "What?" I ask. Did I hit a nerve or something?

"It's nothing, I just let somebody know their place..." He mutters, trailing off. I roll my eyes and grab my toiletries. "I'm gonna go shower," I state, grabbing my towel.I am really not in the mood for another of Alex's bipolar mood swings. He ignores me as I walk out the door.

I shower quickly, washing my hair and then getting out. I step out of the stall and almost run into someone as I turn the corner, causing me to drop my uniform and toilet bag, thankfully catching my towel before it had the chance to slip. "Shit sor- Oh jeez..." I pause as my eyes land on Jake's face.

. . .

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