Chapter 24

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After the mall, we went rock climbing and boy, the amount of times Alex would swing across the rock wall to knock my feet out from under me or make me lose my grip...

After that we went to a waterpark where Alex pushed me off the diving board, resulting in me belly-flopping into the pool in front of everyone. He then proceeded to execute an absolutely perfect dive and swam up to drown me for  few seconds. 

After that, we went back to the motel where Alex acted as if we were having a pillow fight and pummeled me into the bed with one.

Basically, my day consisted of Alex being abusive... And he wonders why I scream at him.

We were all tired so we just went to sleep early. No alcohol, no terrible cooking, no scandalous games, just a cringe movie and sleep.

Sunday, we all chilled out at the motel for most of the day, simply spending time with each other, and then went to a park for a little while. You know what they say, time flies when your having... I hate what those fuckers say. 

Now, it was Monday morning and I was definitely not ready to go back to that hellhole. By the look on his face when he woke up, neither was Alex... Or maybe it was just the fact that it was like 5:30 am and we were actually awake and made to be productive. Apparently, Sarah wanted to drive to the complete other side of the city to buy cupcakes before driving back to the academy. 

When I say Alex is not a morning person, I mean the new house dean came in for a room check while Alex was still in bed and Alex threatened to strangle him with a pear of my panties and then drown him in Peter's tank. The house dean hasn't been back since. 

Luckily for me, Alex's morning-self loves me. I mean sure, he occasionally acts like there is a broomstick where it most certainly doesn't belong, but that's reasonable considering I wake him up early when I go for a run because I don't care about his sleep patterns.

Within twenty or so minutes, we were all packed and were loading everything into the car while Sarah signed us out. The drive to get cupcakes was more excruciating than I thought it would be. I had to sit in the back with Alex and he had fallen asleep on my shoulder while Sarah and Ryan were having a karaoke session in the front. The cupcakes were worth it.

At 8:20, we had arrived back at the academy. I had messaged the twins and the Elijah and Kai to meet us out in the parking lot so that Sarah and Ryan could meet them. I all but push Alex out of the car and get tugged on along as we were both wrapped in this huge, fluffy, bright pink blanket that Ryan threw on us while we were asleep. We stumble up to the group who waited on the sidewalk. "We're back bitches!" I shout as Alex yawns. "Oh, wow, y'all look like you fucked in the car..." Kai chuckles from next to Elijah. All four of them nod their heads in agreement, smirking at us. I was to exhausted to retort so I simply rolled my eyes. 

Sarah and Ryan follow behind us and Sarah's eyes widen at the sight of Kris. "Oh my... Is that the new Cartier necklace?" Sarah beams. Her, Kris and Noah connected immediately.

Ryan and Elijah get talking about computers and Kai joins the conversation with skateboarding all that jazz. I glance at Alex and do a little dance under our blanket. "They get along," I whisper cheerfully. 

He mimics my happy dance and we don't even notice the rest of our friends staring at us for a good few seconds until Kai clears his throat. We awkwardly exchange a glance and he lets out an awkward cough. 

"Okay right fuckers, we're gonna be late. I love you's!" I drag Alex over in our blanket and we embrace them in a hug, Alex and Ryan awkwardly standing, patting each other on the back. "Thanks, this has been great," Alex says. The boys get our bags out of the car while I continue my hug with Sarah. "I'm going to miss you," I pout, pulling away. 

"Not as much as I'm going to miss you, bitch," I smile and pull her in for one last hug. 

"I think you and Alex would be super cute together, by the way. After everything you told me about him I wasn't sure, but he seems to really have a soft spot for you," she whispers to me. I scoff and roll my eyes. 

"Girl, you're dreaming," I mutter in response, backing up to collect my bags. 

"Call me when you get home. And use protection!" I whisper yell to them as they were getting in the car. She beeps her horn at us and I watch as they drive out of the parking lot. 

"They're cool," Alex nods in approval as we begin to make our way into the office to sign in. "Ugh, I miss them already," I groan as I sign myself in on the IPad at the front desk. 

We make our way back to our dorm and get some strange stares from some of the girls on our way there. "They're jealous," Alex murmurs, draping his free arm over my shoulder. I scoff. 

"They have no reason to be," I smirk, pushing myself away from him. We drop our bags off in the room and Alex collapses onto the bed. "What's the time?" he drones, rolling over to face me. "We have ten minutes," I shrug and walk up to Perter's tank. Thank goodness, they have been feeding him. 

"All the things we could do in ten minutes..." he mumbles. 

"Should we get Peter a buddy?" I ask, turning to face him. He looks up from his phone and shrugs. "Like a girlfriend?" He asks, turning his phone off and sitting up. I shrug. "Could do," I say as I jump up onto the desk, swinging my legs. 

He groans. "Yeah, but knowing you, you would get him one that won't have sex with him, or even mess around with him even though they have to live together in the same, stupid, little tank," he remarks, giving me a pointed look. I raise my arms up in defense. "Hey, not my fault Peter is a sex-crazed fuck boy who had a tank roommate with an ounce of prestige," I smirk. 

Man, don't we just love talking in pet fish metophores?

He groans again. "But you make it so hard to control myself," he mutters. I don't exactly know whether to feel flattered or disgusted by his comment... Maybe a bit of both. "That sounds like a you problem," I grin. 

"Well it's a both-of-us-problem if you don't like the way I talk to you," he retorts. He kind of has a point... A stupid point, made in his stupid brain.

"So what? You expect me to get a STD just because of your sexual tension? No thank you," I say, packing things into my school bag. He glares. "I honestly don't have an STD," he responds, picking up his phone again. "Oh really? You know Mia? One of your recent little conquests? I heard from a reliable source that she has chlamydia..." I couldn't help but laugh at that one. I am honestly surprised he hasn't got something yet, I mean, this guy is the farthest thing from a virgin that I know.

He simply scowls and drops the subject, getting up to pack his bag. We leave the dorm, locking it behind us and make our way down the hallway. We split up to go to homeroom. I take my seat at the back next to Noah and sigh. "I am so damn tired..." I mutter, yawning. He hands me a paper cup in his hand and I take a sip. 

Thank goodness, it was coffee.

This is what I needed. 

. . .

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