Chapter 23

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I wake up to the smell of vomit and pancakes and a shrill giggle. Sarah stood at the foot of the bed, Ryan's arm draped lazily around her shoulder, snapping photos of us on her phone. I groan and smoother deeper into the pillow, assuming she was capturing my hungover, sleep ridden appearance. My head was pounding and I honestly couldn't see a damn thing. Why is it so bright in here?

I blame the three solid minutes that it took fro me to realize that I was mistaken on the fact that I was still half asleep. You see, when I said pillow, I genuinely thoughts that was what my head was resting on. Instead, I was cuddled up to Alex, wrapped in his arms, legs tangled together. It was mortifying to think of where those photos would go or when she would use it against me.

"Well, that one is definitely going into the blackmail file," Sarah grins. Yes, you heard her correctly. This woman has a blackmail file filled with photos, half of which I didn't even know existed.

Alex cackles from next to me and I repress the need to stab him. "How long have you fuckers been awake?" I mutter, trying to squirm out of his grasp.

"Two hours," Sarah and Ryan reply in unison. "Maybe ten minutes?" Alex yawns into my shoulder. I roll over on the bed and groan again. "Please tell me you brought aspirin," I mutter, still half asleep. I give up trying to move away from him and simply collapse back into the bed, being sure to dig my elbow into his ribs as I do so. Sarah scoffs. "Of course I did, it's me we are talking about," She walks over to her bag in the corner and pulls out her first aid kit.

She returns with a glass of water and two pills. I gulp them down and manage to shuffle even further away from Alex, still mad that he let them take photos of me while I was asleep.

We ate pancakes, right after I made Alex give me some of his sweatpants. Now I was dressed entirely in his clothing, as usual.

We hung out at the motel for another hour or so before venturing to the mall. I forget to warn Alex before we left that shopping with Sarah was hell. She always buys way too much... I mean, I can't exactly say much... I literally spent $200 on shoes last week.

I hop out of the car and all but skip into the mall alongside Sarah while the boys fall behind. We had made a plan to split up. Sarah and I would go search from prom dresses/shoes and anything else cute we found along the way while the boys were headed for the food court and the sports department. The first store we entered was a cute, little, light pink corner store filled with dresses and skirts.

I bought a leather skirt but didn't find my dream dress. We continue browsing for a good hour or so, each with five bags each on our arms until finally, we find the store.

I fell in love with every single dress in here. I had texted the twins to ask what kind of style I should be going for and they simply replied 'Go big or go home, these rich fuckers always go big,'.

After a few minutes of sifting through the beautiful dresses and shoes, I finally found the one. It was a rose gold, shimmery, off-the-shoulder dress with a tight fitting waist that lead to a pretty cascade with a leg slit. I absolutely adored every inch of it. "This one," I turn around, holding the dress up for Sarah to see.

She lets out a squeal and begins to wheel me to the dressing room. I lock the door behind me and begin to try on the dress. Sarah slips a pair of sparkly, gold heels under the door and I slide them on as well. I turn and take a quick peep in the mirror. It was absolutely gorgeous. It accentuated my curves perfectly.

I step out of the stall and Sarah's jaw dropped at the sight. She slowly nodded her head. "I don't even care anymore, this is it," she mumbles, pulling out her phone and snapping a few pictures. I smirk and do a little spin. I pass her my phone and ask her to take a few photos for the twins. 

I go back and get changed, buy the dress and shoes and then we head to the food court to meet up with the guys.

They were sat at a table with five different meals in front of them. I sit down and steal Alex's smoothie. He pouts and tries to get it off me for a few minutes before finally giving up and going back to his Chinese food. 

"So, how was your spree?" Ryan chuckles from across the table. "Good," Sarah and I mumble in unison. We have lunch and continue with a bit more shopping. Alex and I end up in an arcade while Ryan and Sarah had wandered elsewhere. 

We buy tokens and I drag him towards the basketball game. To say that I totally beat his ass would have been an understatement. I yeeted his ass into another dimension.As touched apon before, I was the better shot, he was a better defense.  We move onto a mini bowling alley; I win. A motorbike race, a car race, dance revolution, we played every single game in the arcade and the only one he won was the shooting game.

The last thing left in the arcade was the small photo booth in the corner that I almost didn't even see.

I turn to Alex. "Okay, we are doing this but how are we going to pose?" I ask slowly with a  frown. He scoffs. "You are really going to plan this?" He shakes his head in mock disappointment. "Yeah, but if I don't then we are going to go in there and I will end up going brain-dead and have the same cringe smile on my face for every picture," I roll my eyes. 

He shrugs. "It's a good thing I don't care about what you want then, huh?" He smirks, taking my hand and dragging me into the booth. He feeds it a few tokens and it begins counting down. I sigh and throw up a peace sign, Alex following suit. 

Next was claws, then was Alex resting his chin on my head. What happened next shouldn't have shocked me as much as it did. Alex pressed his lips to my cheek and after pausing for a minute, I wrapped my arms around his neck. We continued with another few stupid poses before exiting the stall and waiting for the pictures to print.

I manage to snatch the small strip before Alex can and take a peek. "You literally have the same expression in all of these," I laugh, turning to show him the photos.

"I do not! Look at that one!" He points to the second image where we both had our hands in claws and were growling. I scoff. "Yeah, so you show emotion in one of them."

Before he could retort, my phone begin to ring from my pocket. It was Ryan. "Hey Hoe," I mutter into the phone while handing the photos to Alex to get a better look at.

"Sup, Bitch. We are on our way back to the car. Sarah is stressing out about fulfilling her Saturday schedule. What are you guys up to?" He says through the phone. 

"I was just lecturing Alex about emotions. We are at the arcade but we are done. We will just check our tickets and meet you there in ten minutes," I state, beginning to make my way towards the counter, dragging Alex along behind me. "Alright, don't get killed," Ryan mutters back. "No promises, Mwah," I hang up and put the phone into one of the many shopping bags.

Alex was holding three of my bags and the majority of the tickets we (meaning me) had won from the games. We feed the tickets to a small machine on the counter and it counts them. By the time we had finally finished, I was slightly astonished at the amount we had gathered. 789 tickets. We only started out with 50 each.

I glance up at all the prizes on the wall. With the amount that we had earned, we could buy anything we wanted. "What would you to like?" The cashier asks us. Hmm... Well my options weren't exactly limited considering that there were, like, thirty different teddy bears up on the wall, but that's all there was; teddy bears along with a few weirdly-designed mugs, bags of candy, a few shirts and some other weird little toys. 

"Can I please have the biggest teddy bear?" I ask the man, pointing to the board where a huge brown bear had been hung up. He takes it down and hands it to me.  "Can I please have the Scooby-Doo mug?" Alex requests.

We get a couple more items before making out way out of the arcade and back towards the car where Sarah and Ryan were waiting.

Well... That was fun.

. . .

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