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Max watched the blur of trees and the dreary grey sky above run past her as the wind whipped her long ginger hair. The whistling of the wind in her ears warmed her for a sweet second, before dying down to a slow stop.

"Here we are!"

She slammed the heavy door of the Impala loudly and halted at the house that stood before her. A sharp breath left her lungs. Home. This large sad home filled with memories and dreams of someone else was now her new home. With splotches of blue and pink here and there along the door, it looked like a funhouse Max had seen once on television.

It almost made her laugh.

"Maxine! Maxine, come help your mother unpack, please. We've got a lot of work ahead of us." Neil, her stepdad, hollered from the back of the moving truck. She leaned over and found his tan worn face covered in dust bunnies, some sticking to his broad shoulders. As she grabbed the large boxes from Neil, she seethed at the way he looked at her mom.

Because whenever Neil Hargrove looked at her mom, all smug with that little tilt of the lip and a funny gleam in his eye, it made her want to punch him. Her Dad used to say that men should never look at their woman like meat, like they were hungry for them. It meant that they held little to no respect for their woman, and while Max didn't doubt that some part of Neil loved some part of her mom, she knew he didn't respect her an ounce despite his love.

Walking past her gushing mom, she quickly pushed open the falling-apart door and made her way up the creaky stairs. Her heart pounded like a pistol with every loud creak the stairs made under her weight, until she was standing in front of a small slim peeling door. It's hinges loose and the wood shavings still stuck and curled on the door stayed no matter how many times she tugged at them.

But compared to the peeling door, the room it hid was much better. A large comfy looking mattress, bald and stripped of bedsheets, looked back at her as she observed the large dusty windows and the small desk and pink vinyl chair in the otherwise, very bare and lonely looking room. Max dropped her box onto the mattress and swiped a finger over the surface of the desk. A light coating of grey dirt stained her pale index as she studied it.

This house, this ancient looking house that looked as if it had seen better days, was her new home for the next few years of her life. Until she graduated high school and would leave this sad town for the warmth of home sweet home, this building would house her dreams, her thoughts, her hopes, her secrets, and her.

Sighing, she wiped her finger on her old cotton jeans and peered briefly out the grime covered glass.

This sad little house as her home. What a turning point her life had come to.


☮︎✧✞ nicole speaks! ;
i've made a header for this whole book, and i hope you like it!

☮︎✧✞ nicole speaks! ;i've made a header for this whole book, and i hope you like it!

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credits to : @m-millieseggos for making such an amazing spectacular gif, she's so good with this!! ❤️

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credits to : @m-millieseggos for making such an amazing spectacular gif, she's so good with this!! ❤️

hope you like it and like the book so far!! <3

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