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The ticket was still in his jacket pocket. Probably mushed, but he knew that the white and red extra ticket was there. He'd been thinking about it all day.

He was going to ask Max. He was going to try and defuse the tension that had formed between them. Though there were holes and cracks, the wall wasn't fully down, and it was his fault for the awkward situation that they were in on Halloween.

God, he had already cheated on Elle so quickly without a second thought, he felt like a massive asshole to do this to Elle. Sure she could be bitchy sometimes, but she was sweet and kind and still managed to make his heart flutter in a way only Elle Hopper could. And that had to count for something right? All these feelings for Max, all coming from a place he didn't even know existed or longed for her, were probably just because he was growing. Boys like him got distracted, boys his age left their girlfriends in the span of a week. But Elle had been his sweetheart. In every sense. They'd known each other for four and a half years now, and had dated for three and a half of them.

He wasn't going to call it off with Elle over Max. He would never do that. She was loyal, and so was he. She had never cheated on him with any boy (not that he knew of any boys she had cheated on him with) and he wasn't going to be the one to break her tender heart.

Besides, there was still the matter of the second ticket. Even if he brought Elle, she would just bring a book with her and read ten chapters throughout the entire night. The game would be fun for Mike, but not for her.

So pick Max. She's a reasonable choice. She's sporty, kind, pretty...

No! Ugh, his mind wouldn't just leave him alone for a few seconds.

Why would Elle be suspicious if you asked Max? Will and Dustin are going to be there. All of you are good friends already with her. It's an easy choice, just you making it more complicated by the minute.

Mike pounded his head against his table in frustration.

"Mike! Are you alright?"

"Yeah i'm fine, mom! Just fell."

How would he even contact her? Max was basically living in caveman era, her house devoid of one of the most important electronic devices of all time.

He could find her address and talk to her from there. That wasn't a bad idea. He could just casually ask his mom if she had met anyone from work that had the last name Mayfield, and boom, he could get her address from there. His mom knew everybody in Hawkins.

Plan in mind, Mike raced down the stairs to the dining room, his idea set in motion. The ticket clutched in his fist.


It worked. He didn't know if it would have worked for sure, but thank god it did. Apparently his mom knew a Susan Hargrove that had a daughter called Max, and even if his mom didn't say the name Mayfield, he was pretty sure that Max was Max.

After all, how many girls with the name Max could there be in Hawkins?

Cherrywood St 65 , second-last one from the left .

Cycling might not have been a good option, especially when the chilly November air seeped through his thin sweater and nearly distracted him. Thank the gods he didn't live too far from Max, otherwise he would have driven to her house in his car.

The second-last house on the left looked like a wreck when he got there. The door was a buttercream yellow, there was a tall oak tree growing in the front yard, and the fencing was low and rickety-looking. The roof was a dark blue and patches of random pink and lighter blue splotches could be seen on the walls.

Mike couldn't imagine Max living in a house like this. So devoid of life and so broken-looking. The only house he saw Max ever living in was full of colour, and maybe a skateboard would he left in the yard. He wondered what her mom was like. Did she have her red hair? Her daughters eyes?

Mike parked his bike on the sidewalk before walking up to the door. Tiny fingerprints could be seen on some parts of the smooth matte finish of the dried painted door. He smiled when he realised they were in the exact shape as Max's fingers, her touch was everywhere on this house.

He knocked twice.

A man with a mane of golden locks and crystal blue eyes opened the door. He was very tall, at least three feet taller than Mike, and his aura screamed dangerous. Was this guy her dad? He looked like Nancy's age to be honest, and with the way he was frowning down at Mike, he probably already hated him.

"What's your business here?"

Mike swallowed, "I'm Mike Wheeler. I'm sixteen and i'm here to see Max. Is she there? I need to ask her something." A few moments passed, before Billy shifted away from the doorframe and slammed the door shut. Mike jolted and awkwardly stood on the porch. In the cold November chill. Dressed in a thin sweater. Fuck.

"Who's there?"

"Your boyfriend, Mike."

Mike blushed.

The door opened again, revealing the small frame of Max, her long ginger hair in a ponytail and a oversized Jersey on her form. "Mike?" Max asked before stepping out and shutting the door behind her. "What are you doing here? How did you even get my address?" She interrogated him. There were dark bags under Max's eyes but he didn't dare mention it to her.

"My mom knows your mom so i just asked her. And i um...wanted to ask you something...", Mike scratched the back of his neck, "So there's this game night, Rugby, on Sunday. Tomorrow. I was wondering if you wanted to come with me to watch the game." Max raised an eyebrow.

"You want me to go to a game," Mike nodded his head, "With you," again he nodded his head, "...And why?" Max finished her question, folding her arms.

"Elle doesn't like Rugby."

"I don't care if Elle doesn't like Rugby, Mike." Her voice was strained and annoyed but Mike caught that tiny speck of hope amongst it. She was hopeful. But for what? What was she so hopeful for? For him to break up with Elle and run into the sunset with her? She had already made it clear weeks ago that she wanted nothing to do with him after the Halloween incident. He was just doing what she wanted. Anger boiled inside him but he bottled it up swiftly, shoving down down down into his stomach.

"That's my point. Elle doesn't want to come so i want to know if you want to come with me. Lucas is playing tomorrow and Dustin's a reserve. Will is bringing his brother and Elle has plans with Erica, Lucas's sister."

"So i'm your last resort?" Mike could feel the anger rising in him. He knew she was angry too but she was twisting his words and Mike really wanted to scream right about now.

"No. I just wanted to know if you wanted to come because you're our friend. You're my Friend. And you're part of the party." Surprise was written all over Max's face, and Mike felt a prickle of triumph that he had gotten the last word.

"I'm in the party?"

"Yeah. Ages ago."

A look of disbelief and bewilderment flashed across her face before her eyes met Mike's, determined and stern.


Now he was taken aback.

"Wait really?" The redhead smirked softly. "Yeah why not. I'm free on Sunday." She smiled, plucking the ticket from Mike's grip and holding it to her chest like precious glass.

"I'll pick you up at 6?"




"See you."

"Same here."

It was only when he walked away did he breathe, the calming cool air rushing down his lungs and coming back out warm.

So. Freaking. Awkward.


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