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The next day came brightly, it's rays of light illuminating the teen girl currently wrapped up in her blankets, brilliant red hair fanned across her face and pillow. As brilliantly as the sun, she blinked her blue eyes open, a sleepy groan coming from her.

Then she smiled. Yesterday felt like a hazy dream. A good dream. A perfect beautiful dream she wished could have lasted her all day and night. Sighing, Max reached up to her lips and touched them softly in awe.

Her first kiss with bicycle boy. A giggle bubbled inside her belly until she could no longer hold it in, tossing in her blankets and laughing like she had never had a bad day in her life. Her shitty life with her family didn't even matter to her anymore, she had a Boyfriend. And to sixteen year old Maxine Mayfield, that meant the world to her (even if she would never admit it to anyone).

But like all good mornings, the day would eventually go on and the redhead knew she couldn't stay in bed all day. Tired but happy, Max stumbled out of bed before getting herself ready for school, her face aglow with a new kind of happiness.

Today, she decided to wear something a little more feminine than she usually wore. A oversized beige knitted sweater with bell bottom dark jeans and her favourite red high-top converse sneakers. She braided a section of her hair, tossing it over her shoulder to keep her hair out of her face as she skated to Hawkins.

"Max! Max honey, do you want some breakfast?" Susan asked from the kitchen, peeking out from the doorway with a pan in one hand. Max shook her head in response, grabbing her school bag before reaching under the stairs to get her skateboard. "Bye mom!" She yelled before opening the door and making a run for it.

The redhead ran, her lungs burned with the need for oxygen but Max refused to give in, pumping her legs until she gave a final leap in the air, feeling the warmth of the sun on her face. Sliding the skateboard onto the gritty ground, she landed swiftly on it and kicked off, zooming down the streets like a madwoman.

For the first time, in a Long time, Max tasted freedom. And what a taste it was.


The school was in a buzz as always, slightly dulled as Monday Mornings usually invoked a sleepy feel to it. Racing down the hallways, Max opened her locker and crammed her skateboard inside. A few lockers down from her stood Mike, his curly hair standing out from a mile away.

"Max." He said breathlessly, meeting her at her locker. Gasps could be heard around them but neither paid them any attention.

"Hi Mike." She said, her cheeks aflame. Over his shoulder she met a pair of warm doe brown eyes, her heart sinking and smile falling as she did. Elle. Elle was probably upset and mad at her. The brunette looked away but not before smiling softly and looking away, gathering her books and making her way to class.

Mike followed Max's eyes, his own widening in surprise at the sight of Elle. "It's okay, Max. She's really not mad about us." Mike said, grasping her hand gently. Max continued frowning before pulling her hand back, "I trust you, but I can't take your word for it, Mike. I'll meet you in class later."

Leaving Mike alone, Max hurried to follow the figure of Elle Hopper. "Elle! Elle, Wait!" She called out, growing desperate when she could no longer find Elle's figure.

Suddenly, a hand shot out from the janitors closet, grabbing Max by the wrist and pulling her into the musty closet. Surprised, Max let out a squeak of surprise before the lightbulb flicked on above her head, illuminating the face of her captor.


"Elle! Elle, oh my god i was just trying to find-" The brunette girl pressed a finger to her lips in a sign. "I know Max. God, i don't know how to start..." She bit her lip, tears already glossing her eyes. The redhead sighed, wrapping her arms around the brunette girl, hugging her as tightly as she could. Just like the hugs her dad would give her when she was sad and down, a big bear hug.

Elle pulled away, shaking her head of brown locks, "No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for making you worry about me. I broke up with Mike because I realised that I couldn't go on like this, that I did love him just not the way he wanted me to love him." Max's eyes held questions, questions Elle couldn't bring up without shuddering inside. "I can't tell you the reason why I broke up with him, but I can tell you that when we met, it was unusual. I had just ran away and gotten lost in the woods and Mike and the boys were looking for Will because he was," She gulped, "Missing. It was raining heavily, and I was cold and scared when I met Mike."

"He gave me clothes after bringing me to his basement to dry up. He let me stay in his basement in a little tent fort while the boys still tried to look for Will. It was strange circumstances, I know. I loved him because he was the only person I knew. The only one I trusted." Elle sighed, pressing her back into the wood.

"Am I explaining this alright? I know it's confusing and all..."

"No, it's fine, Elle. I'm sorry for stealing your Boyfriend." Max groaned, sliding her back down the wood and joining Elle on the floor. The smell of lemon wash and bleach tickled her nose but she refused to get up. Elle smiled softly before shaking her head, "Not your fault. Never your fault. So you have nothing to be sorry for." The two girls smiled at each other, grins a little more brighter than before.

"So we're okay? We're still friends? Do the boys hate me?" Max blurted out as they stood, pushing open the door.

"The boys could never hate you, Max. You're a part of the party now." She smirked.

"You can be our Zoomer."

Max chuckled, that sounded fun. Hugging each other one last time, the two split paths, Max watching as Elle disappeared into her Science Class.

Everything did turn out right.

As she walked back towards her locker, realisation struck her and she groaned softly, thumping her head on the metal door of her locker hard.

Mike was right, Elle didn't hate her.

Oh lord would he rub it in.


☮︎✧✞ nicole speaks! ;
Oh lord I'm sorry this chapter came late! Too caught up in Shyan fanfiction, that's what. But I hope you like this chapter anyways! The last one will be coming out a little later, but I will be publishing it next week. Love you guys, vote and comment, and thank you for reading!❤️❤️

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