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Looking down at the old mask, with its stained rubber and all-over-the-place synthetic brown hair, memories of childish glee and shrieks flooded her mind. Sitting at the bottom of the box, it hadn't been touched in years. She hadn't contemplated ever touching or wearing this once pristine halloween mask ever since she was twelve.

Yet, here she was, her fingers itching to dust away the dirt and lint buildup and pull it over her head. The mask was calling to her like a siren to a pirate, and she couldn't resist.

Carefully, Max picked up the rubbery mask and skimmed away the layer of dust with her fingers. The particles of dust clung to her fingers and the air, drifting like petals, but never down to the ground. Heart pulsing wildly, the redhead slipped the precious mask over her head, until her vision narrowed.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Max shrieked, pulling the mask over her face and dumping it back into the box in one swift motion. Facing the person that had startled her, her face flushed when she realised it was only Billy.

In here.

In the attic.



All alone.

Shit, Max sweared. His eyes were cloudy and dull, the colour of a rainy summer sky. His blonde mane of hair was in a disarray, Max swore she had seen a glisten of bright red in his blonde mane, but Billy had already turned back around before she could get a better look.

"What are you doing here?" Max asked, her voice strong and clear, except for the slight quiver in her voice. She prayed to god he didn't hear it. She would be so fucking dead if he heard that little fearful quiver.

God. God. God.

Billy raised one eyebrow, sweeping a look over Max. "I think i asked you first." Max quirked an eyebrow back, "I'm looking for my old sweater, the one with the little sunflower stitched over the heart", She fibbed. "What are you looking for up here?"

A look of uncertainty passed quickly over the blonds face before he chuckled. "I'm looking for my car keys. The old man hid them and i need them for the Halloween party i'm going to tomorrow." Max was stunned, never in a million years did she think that Billy Hargrove would ever explain anything to her. He used to shrug his shoulders or sneer at her as if she was some clueless little kid. She guessed some time away from Neil and Susan had done him good.

"Search the back boxes. It's probably hidden there." she scrambled out of the terrifying boys way, her eyes locked on the hatch to open up the stairs that would lead her to safety. But a quick swipe at the back of her head told her a different story.

"Ow! What the fuck!" Max sweared instantly, the words tumbling out of her lips. The surprised look on Billy's face when she turned around made her heart drop. Shit. Shit, what did she say. Shit, she was going to die. And all because she couldn't keep her mouth shut. Great, now she would be dead before she ever got to hang out with Elle and her grumpy weird boyfriend and their friends.

"Looks like little Maxine is all grown up. Swearing like a sailor, yes you are", Billy laughed, a deep almost insane laugh, "You sure are bitchin." Then his dark ocean eyes left her and his loud footsteps made their way towards the back of the dusty attic. "Jesus Max, i was a little older than you when everything went wrong." The muscular blond spoke from behind the column-like boxes. All stacked and marked and still sealed shut with tape, the air inside probably still carrying the smell of salty breezes and the hot everlasting sunshine.

Max gulped. Of course she knew about that. Billy was only nineteen when he went to court for attempted murder of someone named Gill Lager. With evidence and proof of the attempted and failed murder, the court had no choice but to finally acknowledge all his past black marks and stains on his record and send him to jail. Unbelievably, they went light on Billy, saying he was still very young and that all youngsters were bound to get into a bit of trouble now and then.

Max had only been fourteen, and yet she had never known real true toxic fear, until she had seen the devil in Billy's eyes. The anger and revenge that was encased in those dark eyes haunted young Max.

Billy Hargrove served two years in Jail, which was mind-blowing to think about. Attempted murder should have given him a heavier sentence, maybe even a death sentence! But the blue-eyed devil got away again.

How could she forget? How could she when the topic of his attempted murder was always sitting in the back of her head. Entering her thoughts whenever she felt calm and relaxed, reminding her that this was what she could be if she wasn't careful. She wouldn't. Max knew she was different than Billy. She loved her dad, skateboarding, and playing arcade games. She wasn't good with friendship but she always tried. She had thoughts that kept her up at night no matter how stupid they were, and had passions and dreams that fuelled her like gas to a car.

She was nothing like Billy.

But the thought that she could be, kept her up at night more than she would like to admit.

"I think i hear mom calling." she rasped before tugging on the hatch and running down the stairs. Desperation and Dust filled her lungs but all she could feel was the burning sensation of wicked eyes following her.


☮︎✧✞ nicole speaks! ;
yes i made billy evil. yes i made him f-ed up. but trust me, he's a lot more toned down in my version. he won't be screaming his head off and trying to run down kids. he'll just be a more quiet and wicked billy (lmao like that's any better).

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