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He didn't know if it was possible to feel your heart die in your chest and still be able to breathe, but that was what Mike felt. He felt like he couldn't breathe, but neither did he feel angry or sad. Mike Wheeler felt like a fish out of water, minus the surprise and awkwardness.

"...Mike? Mike, say something."

He couldn't. He didn't feel betrayed or sad, but he did feel something. He couldn't describe the feeling exactly, but he was very sure a part of him had just withered.

"I'm fine. I'm fine, I'm just..." What is wrong with me? Any normal person would be feeling terrible when the girl they love breaks up with them. Mike's mind raced with thoughts of confusion. This wasn't how Dustin had felt when Suzie had broken up with him. Nor was this how Lucas reacted to Maya Shaye breaking up with him a year ago.

"I'm sorry. Do you want a drink? Do you-"

"No Elle, I'm fine." It scared him just how monotonous his voice came out.

"I Guess you want to know why I'm breaking up with you now, huh?" Elle tried to laugh awkwardly while Mike tried to give her a smile. She was obviously struggling internally, she probably didn't even know what a breakup was until now.

"I don't think we should be together anymore. I-I love you Mike. Always. But I think this will be best for us in the Long run. I...the truth is...I don't love love you anymore. I...i don't know what's wrong with me! I'm sorry, Mike. I'm so sorry." Elle was sobbing by the time she was done with her confession. Tears streamed down her slender cheeks as she sniffed. Overcome with guilt, Mike wrapped Elle into a hug, tucking her head under his Chin comfortably.

"It's okay, Elle. I'm not mad. I'm not angry or sad even. I Guess I'm in shock but it doesn't really feel like that either..." He sighed. He wasn't very good at talking about his feelings. His emotions were all over the place in small tiny legos and he was scrambling to find every single brick of plastic.

"I love you. I really do love you and I care about you. I swear that all those times we spent together were some of the best times in my life." Elle whispered softly into his shirt, her tears making a small wet spot on his clothing. "I know. It's okay. I'm not mad, Elle." He cooed to the fragile girl. His arms unwinded from around the brunette, wiping her tears gently away with his thumbs.

"I-I think you should go." Elle sniffled, scrubbing her face with her hands and looking into Mike's dark chocolate eyes with her red-rimmed ones. Mike nodded. He knew he had to.

"Bye. Call me if you need anything." Mike mumbled softly, wrapping Elle into another hug before letting go. The tall teen went over towards the window, pushing it open and stepping carefully onto the roof. With ease and years of practice, he skidded down the roof and landed in a crouch on his feet like Spider-Man.

Before he left the Byers house, the raven-haired boy looked up towards the window one last time. His sweetheart was no longer his, and they were no longer together. Every touch and kiss, he had taken for granted and he knew just how selfish he had been.

Steve was right. Love doesn't always last forever. And now, everything has changed.


Standing outside the Mayfield/Hargrove house, Mike peered up at the window on the left. He could see the silhouette of a girl, a glimpse of red hair told him all he needed to know. Max was in that room.

Picking up a pebble on the sidewalk, the teen hurled it at the window. The pebble whizzed into the air and hit the glass with a loud clack. The figure behind moved, startled by the noise. Shadows shifted and lights dimmed before the lights flickering back on and a angry face peered down at him. "Mike fucking Wheeler, what the hell are you doing?" The redhead whisper-shouted, an annoyed expression her dainty face.

"You got a minute?" He Whisper-shouted back.


"Come down and meet me outside."

"Right now? On the freaking sidewalk where anyone can see us?! Are you insane? What about-"

"That's the point!" Mike laughed, dried tears on his cheeks. He felt so free, and he knew it was wrong to feel this way but he couldn't help himself. Every memory with Elle was a good one and he had a special place for her in his heart and mind, but he also knew that if he waited any longer, his shot with Max would never come. He couldn't wait anymore.

He had to make a move. He was done with waiting and watching and longing. That wasn't him.

The light in her bedroom switched off abruptly, her small form slowly inching its way out into the cool breeze before sliding her window shut. Mike watched as she slid down the roof and jumped, landing in a pile of brown and withered gold leaves beneath her.

When she ran over to him, her hair was full of leaves and she looked like a woodland nymph. She was so beautiful standing there, In a Wonder Woman shirt and a pair of boxers. She was the prettiest girl he had ever laid eyes on and the only one that made him feel a rush of emotions unlike anything else.

"What did you call me down for, Mike? What's wrong?" She asked immediately. Her arms were crossed over her chest and her lips were tugged into a little pout. Her red hair that he had loved from the moment he laid eyes on her was strewn all over her shoulders in wild waves.

Beneath the light of the lamppost and the chilling air surrounding them, beneath a starless night sky and cloudless day, Mike moved one step closer towards the redhead, her blue eyes drowning him in their depths.

"For this." He whispered, before swooping down to cup her jaw lightly.

And kissed her beneath the moon.


☮︎✧✞ nicole speaks! ;
Okay, THEY KISSED!!! A MADWHEELER KISS!!! I'm so sorry it took so long and that this whole part with the breaking up sounds messy. 😂❤️

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