Chapter 4

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The wolf and Pascal arrived at Snuggly Ducks. They both were crawling slowly and steady. Once they made it to the door, Pascal went around to the window and went in, so did the wolf. No one saw them came in nor went to the drink area. The wolf and Pascal hide behind the cabinet of the good drinks. Pascal climbed up and before he could open up the cabinet, Lance spotted him. Lance was happy and confused that Pascal is there.
Lance said, "Hey, Pascal. What are you doing here? Should you be at the castle with Rapunzel?" Pascal hopped on to Lance's shoulder and nodded. Pascal pointed behind him to show Lance that he made a new friend. Once he turned around, they both saw the wolf drinking a bottle a that good drink, Durnish. He was standing, too with his back against the cabinet.
Dante said, "Thanks for the help, Pascal. Want some?" Pascal came to him and tried some. He fell in love with that drink. He took it from the wolf and he drink it all. That made the wolf happy a bit. Pascal was surprised that the wolf can talk and walk like a human.
Lance did not know who this wolf was, so he asked, "Who are you and how is this possible?"
"My name is Dante," the wolf replied. "And my friend taught all the wolves how to act like a human."
"Who is this 'friend'?," Lance asked, confusingly.
Dante replied, "Her name is Kayla and she might be scared right now. We never leave each other sides. Here is the payment. And thank you." He tossed Lance a medium size bag full with gold in it. Before he was able to leave, Hook Foot stopped him.
"Well, well, well," Hook Foot said, dangerously.
Dante said, sarcastically, "Hello, Hook Foot. You haven't changed at all."
"Well," Hook said. "Thanks. I see you have changed, thief. So where's the other one?"
"Again," Dante said. "We have names you know. It's Dante and Kayla. Also, we got separate last night during that fog."
Lance cut-in, "Can he please go? He did pay me and he has to find his friend."
Dante chuckled and said to Lance, "You seriously don't get it. You're the new guy. Listen 'Lance', this guy won't let me leave until I pay him all the amount we owe him. We pay some and always escape before we have to pay the rest."
"How much do you owe him?," Lance asked.
Dante replied, "We owe him over a million pieces of gold. We paid most of it and I just gave you some."
Hook Foot cut-in, "And you still owe me 100 gold pieces."
"Look," Dante said. "Can I please pay you another time? I have to look for my friend."
"No, you can't leave until you pay me the rest.," Hook Foot said.
Dante said, "I am leaving and you can't stop me."
Hook Foot asked, "Oh yeah??" He walked over to Dante and punched him in the face. That is when everyone begin to fight.
When Kayla cane near the place, she heard Dante and saw people being thrown out of the window. She ran to the place and opened the door. People looked at her, including Lance and Pascal.
Dante was super happy to see her and he yelled, "Kayla! You're here!" He was grabbing Hook Foot around the neck around the time and he punched him in the face again. Kayla joined in the fight and the others continue fighting. Dante was beginning to bleed on the side of the mouth.
Kayla shouted across the room to Dante, "Dante, what did we say about taking their drinks from these people?!?!?"
"What?!?," Dante yelled back. "I did not take! I bought the drink!
I also paid them most of the stuff that we owe them!"
Kayla yelled, "How much do we owe them now?!"
Dante yelled, "100 pieces of gold!"
Kayla was curious about one thing, so she yelled, "How did you get in here without being caught right away?!? You always get caught as soon as you get inside!"
"I had help from a new friend, who is a chameleon and his name is Pascal!," Dante yelled.
Kayla yelled, "Who and where is Pascal?!?" Dante pointed at Pascal, who is a bit scared right now, with Lance, who was starting to fight. Kayla ran over to Lance and began to fight him.
Kayla yelled at him, "Let Pascal go!."
Lance said, "I will not. I am trying to protect him."
"Protect him?," she said. "Yeah right." She punched him everywhere on his body and she pulled out her spear.
When she aimed it at Lance, Rapunzel and Varian came in and Rapunzel yelled, "Stop everyone!! No more fighting!"
"Kayla and Dante are our new friends.," Varian add-in. Everyone apologized and they all went back to their usual thing.
Dante ran to Kayla and they both hugged each other. Kayla went to Hook Foot and paid him the rest of the money they owed him. Hook Foot and Lance have everyone free drink for that day.
Rapunzel, Varian, Kayla, Dante, and Lance were over there at the bartender and they drank. Lance would passed them drinks.
Rapunzel asked Hook Foot, "Why did you came back to Corona? Where's your girl?"
"It didn't work out," Hook Foot replied. "She wasn't my type. Also, I decided to come back to Corona because I wanted to work here again."
"That make sense," Rapunzel said.
While Kayla and Dante were drinking, Kayla asked Dante, "Now you sure you didn't take?"
Dante replied, "Yes, I'm sure. I would never break that promise we made 3 years ago."
"Okay...," Kayla said, suspiciously.
Lance cut-in, "Look, he paid for the drink and paid some the amount that you used to owe us."
"I am sorry, but who are you?," Kayla asked.
Rapunzel replied, "Lance Strongbow, meet Kayla Schnitz. Kayla Schnitz, meet Lance Strongbow." He was shocked. He is talking to a Schnitz right now. He began to remember his past his parents, and his sisters.
Lance said happily, "Nice to meet you, Miss. Schnitz." Kayla and him did a hand shake. "Hey, I am curious. How did you get that scar on your right eye?'
Kayla replied with a chuckle, "Oh, I earned it. It represents royalty to the pack. I earned it by protecting them from King Trevor's men."
Rapunzel asked, "You know King Trevor?"
"Yeah," Kayla replied. "He is the worst king we've ever met."
Dante add-in, "That's right. All of us, in the pack, been wondering, 'Why does this loser have to be king?'" That made everyone laugh so hard, including Varian, although he never met him.
Rapunzel said, "That's what we thought, too."
"Okay, that was funny.," Varian said.
"Thanks," Kayla said to Varian as she looked at him.
Varian says, "Please, call me 'V'." That made Kayla smile and Varian smiled.
"Thanks, V," Kayla said. "And please, y'all can call me 'Kay'. You all earn my trust." They all laughed and drink...

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