Yandere! Blaze the Cat x Male Reader prologue

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You are *y/n* *s/n*, a young human with a desire for adventure, excitement and fun. Just when your summer vacation begins, your life will see a massive turn of events under the hands of an insane, loving anthropomorphic cat.

= Third Person POV - 11:30 AM =

You walk down the streets of your good old hometown of (name of any city) hoping to find a nice place to lounge around in and maybe have fun. Suddenly you pass by a large mall, and walk quickly towards its doors.
Obviously, as the thrill-seeking person you are, you head on towards the newly opened Family Entertainment Center (FEC) in the mall complete with a plethora of games, and a small regulation-length bowling alley with eight lanes.

The first familiar face you meet is your old neighbor named Murray. He's a tall man, about 6' 3", who likes to play guitar. He also usually wears red.
"Hey, mate!" Murray shouts from the bowling alley.
"Murray, it's been a long time!" You reply with gladness. "So, you're here for a round of bowling, aren't you?"
"Why yes I am! Hold on, let me introduce to you one of my pals. His name's- Jeff!?"
Murray looks behind him only to see Jeff on the lane couch, fallen asleep. Jeff is Murray's much older friend, who usually wears purple, plays the piano and is very prone to fall asleep. Since he is prone to extreme sleepiness the local traffic enforcement authorities advised him not to drive at all and let someone else drive him to places instead.
"Who's Jeff?"
"Can you help me wake him up? He's the one sleeping on the couch right now."
"Surely I would."
So both of you yelled at the top of your lungs, "WAKE UP JEFF!!!!!"
And Jeff started to jump, and do all sorts of silly things, even almost run into your other friend Belmo as he was about to pull off a series of strikes.
"Sorry, Belmo!" Murray apologized for Jeff's craziness.
"Phew! Good thing I didn't- woaaaah!"
Belmo slipped on the floor as Jeff passed his side again and this time Jeff accidentally hit him in the back, and nudged him towards the lane.
Then Belmo became unconscious,
after he faceplanted into the lane floor.
"Oh no, Belmo, you okay? Belmo? Belmo!" You checked on Belmo. "Murray, get medical help right now! I'll take care of the dude 'til the ambulance comes!"
"Oh, Jeff. Next time don't go crazy when you are waked up."
Jeff slept again, this time on the floor.
Fortunately though Belmo didn't have any wounds. Murray called for an ambulance.
After the ambulance left carrying the unconscious Belmo and now Jeff as well, you head to the foodcourt for lunch, while Murray left in his car to follow the two men to the hospital.

= 12:45 PM - Your POV =

"So what shall I have for lunch today?" I ask myself. "Well maybe I should have something sizzling today."
I walk towards the Pepper Lunch on the west side of the foodcourt, and order the most expensive steak I could eat on the menu, along with a 22 oz soda.
I then walk to my table, with a big tray in hand.
"This is going to be delicious..." I speak to myself.
I usually go and do things alone, since most of my younger friends are going to be busy partying this summer. While they party all day and night, I'll just try to have the most fun I can have by myself. I even bought a ticket to a WWE event in New York.
But then as I consume my steak, I notice an anthropomorphic figure in the distance, just about six rows of tables away.

= Blaze's POV =

"I feel very lonely today. Silver just dumped me, and Sonic, Sonic just doesn't like me either. I don't know if I'll ever find love in this planet Earth!"
I then burst into tears, because I am a very lonely princess. I am just so desperate to find my prince!
"But then, what if I tried with humans? What will they think of me? I mean, I'm a talking cat with fire powers!"
I saw a young human eating alone in this foodcourt, as I carry my tray from the Chinese food stall.
"I think this human might be smart enough to understand who I am." I think to myself.
So I smiled, walked towards him, but then something strange happened.