Chapter Nine: Alex

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I woke up in the hospital, yet again, and confusion filled my mind.

'Oh no. What happened this time?'I thought.

Soon i heard crying and realized i wasnt the only one in the room. I turned my head slightly to see my 14 year old sister, Molly, sitting indian style in the chair in the corner, weeping into her arms.

"Mollz?" I called out her nickname, her blue-green eyes, now tinted red from sleep-deprivation and crying, immediantly jumped from her arms to me. I quickly sat up, intending to go over to her but a pain shot straight to my head, makeing my lie back down and close me eyes furiously, my hands covering my forehead to get the annoying sound out of my head.

"Just lie down," My sister cooed, takeing my hand in hers. Every time this happened. I keep forgetting the huge ammounts of medicine they put me under, trying to keep me stable, and when i wake up my brain is still feeling those medications. So i always try to move to soon and i always get an aggrivateing headache that wont go away for another hour or two. But that still doesnt explain why my sister was crying.

"Mollz why were you crying?" I said takeing my hand from my eye and reaching up to wipe the stray tears that still fell from her eyes, even though she was trying so hard to be comforting.

"Ummm..." She said, contemplating on wheather she would tell me or not.

"Molly what?" I blurted, a little to harshly.

"You dont want to know." She huffed laying down on the bed next to me, her dark brown hair falling across my chest.

"Molly are the kids at school giving you tro-" I started, ready to pound any kid willing to mess with my sister. She was just a freshman! Those idiots at that school--

"No!"Molly hurridly answered,"Its just that..." She trailed off, still wondering if i could handle it, i bet.

"Moll just spit it out!"

"Its...Its dad." She said, shoveing her face down on my chest, continuing to cry,"He sai...we didnt... have...the money...and he...shaidthwt hwemute kicknu ute"

"Okay...well you know i cant understand the last part you said because you said it into my shirt and your still crying."I said, rubbing the hair out of her face as she slowly sat up, then faced away from me, towards the one window in the room.

"He said we..." The look on her face went dead and cold as she stared at nothing in peticular, her eyes glazed over slightly, scareing even me,"He said that he may kick you out into the streets if he has to pay one more hospital bill."



I Walked to the park, seeing Emily there, her auburn eyes shineing in the distance, her hands hideing in her pockets and her face sadder then any face ive ever seen.

"Em?" I asked, going inside the park's fence, walking straight towards the swing next to her. Her eyes widened in shock and fear as she saw me, then they darted away and awkwardly looked everywhere but at me.

"Hi." She whispered, glanceing at me again finally. This time she blushed and look down shyly. Awww how cute!

"Well...Alex is okay now." i said, shakeing the thoughts out of my head, remembering how she ran away afterwards.

I was crying out everything to her, her arms enclosed me and calmed me down.

"Good." She said, still looking down," I was hopeing so"

We sat and talked for hours about everything that was happening.

"Yea." I said looking around the park seeing a beautiful little girl picking dandelions and putting them in her hair or on her belt or anywhere else they would stay, running the ones that she couldnt put anywhere to random strangers, makeing them smile.

She tried to get my mind off of the bad things, gently cleaning off my arm. She asked about my grades. She was only one grade older then me.

"Here you go!" The little girl handed Emily the dandelion, smiling up at her with the cutest face nature could ever bring.

Suddenly she leaned forward and pressed her lips against mine. Caught up in the moment i kissed back.

"Thank you!" Emily smiled at the little girl until she ran off, dropping multiple dandelions along the way makeing me and Emily laugh.

Her lips left mine with sudden force as she covered her mouth, stareing at me with complete shock. Still covering her mouth she started to scramble backwards, practically falling over.She turned and ran away from me like i was a monster. The terrible ugly monster that she kissed.

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