Chapter Ten: Emily/Kassey

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(A/N: Hey guys! I decided im going to try and put at least two POV's in every chapter to make them a bit longer. But that also menas it might take longer to update. Love you guys! Thanks for reading unturned Pages! Enjoy!)


"Im not gay" I whispered to the cieling, waiting for it to tell me if i was right or wrong. Stupid cieling. Cant even talk.

Did i seriously expect it tell me? Did i expect for unanimate objects to tell me who i really was?

"Im NOT gay!" I groaned, more to myself now then the cieling. I pulled my owl pillow over my eyes and stared into darkness, wishing for it to conceal me so i wont have to figure out who i am.

I know that i never felt this way about a guy before. But i've also never felt this way about any other girl before. Except Molly.

I was scared when i kissed her. When I first found her, huddeled in the corner of the school's arts and photography classes hallway, which was only offered if youve been to this school for more than a year and have good grades, I was actually shocked by her. Since i am Student Council President, i know everyone in each and every one of these classes. I knew i hadnt seen her before and figured she was new, and probably hideing. Her mascare was running and her eyes looked a dark blue with a tint of green. She had most of her face covered with her black and gray stripped sweater, one arm ontop of her knees which were crouched against her small frame, the other hidden by her side. She was stareing at nothing in peticular, her eyes and mind most likely in a far away place.

As Student Council President i decided it was my duty to make her feel beter then give her a pass back to class.

"Are you okay? i asked, takeing a step closer. As i did, she jumped slightly then looked up at me for about three seconds before mumbling back into her arm.

"Excuse me? I didnt quite hear you?" I asked.

"I said im fine. I dont need to be a charity case to anyone. What you wanna help me feel better then dump me to the ground?" she spit at me, anger obviously in her voice.

Sure, it made me slightly aggrivated that she didnt know me and she said something so rude, but for some reason, I couldnt get mad at her like any reasonable person would," what would that do me? What would i get out of hurting someone who obviously is already hurt enough." I said, slideing down the wall next to her as the bell rang, signalling second period, I was scared at first, thinking i wopuld have a tardy. Then I remembered I wasnt going to class in the first place, but leaving to go to IU to shadow, preparing for collage." Now whats wrong?"I asked, knowing i was already excused from class.

I looked over at her but first i saw the red blood pouring out of her arm and had a glimpse of understanding. I pulled a wetwipe bag out of my black and white purse and started to clean the mess as she began talking. "My dad said he might kick him out because hes so stupid and hes not i swear. Its not his fault! Its my stupid dad's fault! My dad hit him continuously when he was younger and he messed him up in the brain. Now he has severe memory loss and he goes out of control every time he forgets to take his pills because its scary. he freaks himself out and passes out. Then his brain slows down while he's out. He could die! And im stuck at school! With a lousy ass boyfriend in San Diego who broke up with me on our year anniversery! I just....I feel like shit and i couldnt take it! Alex cant handle it so i have to work to help dad pay the bills and my boss is a dikehead and...and...i just I CANT TAKE IT!" She yelled and cried and poured every last detail of her life the past three weeks she's been in town when today was just her second day of school.

I tried to calm her down but nothing would work. I found myself stareing into her soft sad eyes, then my eyes dropped to her small nose, and then finally her lips. Her soft delicate lips.

Without realizing what I was doing, I slowly leaned forward and closed my eyes, pressing our lips together.

Wait, no! What am i doing? I pushed her away and scampered away, afraid of what i did.

"I'm gay." i finally admitted to myself before drifting into a dreamless sleep.


I watched Emily from the corner of my eyes as she got into my pink convertible mini cooper. I lifted my sunglasses off my head and stopped at the nearest stop sign, pulling over to the side of the road and turning to her mopey face.

"Kass what are you doing?" She asked confused, folding her arms and looking at me.

" Whats wrong?" I said after searching her eyes seeing nothing but saddness and maybe a little bitt of hopelessness.

"Nothing," She mummbled, turning to stare out the window.

"Oh really?" I said, smirking and putting the car in park, takeing my foot off the brake.

"Now what are you doing?" She huffed at me, still looking out the window.

"Oh, nothing. Just waiting for an answer." I smirked, grabbing a nail file out of my purse and started fileing away at my nails like i had no where to be.

"Kass we're going to be late for school." she sighed, looking over at me, still not even a hint of happiness or playfullness in her eyes.

"Oh now that would suck for you wouldnt it?," I overexaggerated," We wouldnt want to mess up our perfect attendence since first grade record now would we?"

"Kassey!" She said, a look of terror now in her eyes. I laughed at my nerdy book-worm friend and smiled again, no return from her.

"Tell me or im not moveing this car." I said.

After stareing at me for a few seconds and seeing i was completely serious, she sighed and looked down at her bag saying somethign that sounded like 'okay.'

Yay! I knew every weakness about my best friend. We had known eachother since pre-school when Albert Jenkenson had taken her crayons and i took them back after threatening that id tell his mommy. Man, i wish that still worked on kids these days.

" I think im..." she started, looking everywhere but in my eyes," I think im a lesbian" She mumbled, a single tear falling from her eyes to her purse.

"Are you kidding?" I said, thinking for sure she was jokeing. I mean, ive known her forever and she had never even looked at a girl in that way. I was only shocked. I mean, i have nothing against gay people i just never expected Emily to be gay.

I guess she took it the wrong way because she got out of the car and ran around the corner, into the wooded area towards the school.

"sh*t! EMILY!" I called after her, not meaning to hurt her feelings. but i guess i already did.

I started the car and headed to school, parking in my normal place. I rushed inside and saw Emily running towards her locker.

"Damn it!" I whispered, heading towards my locker at the other end of the school. I know when we get to first period she wont want to talk to anyone else about that. After comeing out to me and hearing my reaction she might not come out to anyone at all. Ill have to figure out a way to apologize. And ill have to figure that out fast.

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