Chapter 6

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Paisley's POV

Wesley parks in front of the driveway of our parsonage; each of us get down from the car through respective doors. The time should be about eight'o clock if I'm not mistaken.

My sisters and I all trail inside the house as Hensley closes the door behind us and stretches lazily, letting out a loud noise as she stretches.

She sure is exhausted.

After all, why? All she did was kiss Gabriel!

Wesley swings her arm around Hensley's shoulder as they both halt halfway through the lounge 'Why don't you go freshen up and I'll go do the same huh?'

Hensley nods in response.

'Good girl' Wesley utters before leading herself and Hensley up the stairs. I smile at how Hensley almost slips but Wesley holds her up just in time.

'Pssst, over here' Kensley calls me over to the dining room, where she's already seated on one of the dining chairs. I amble over and grab one of the chairs, pulling it out from under the table and carefully falling on it.

The last thing I want is a broken keister, at least not after a broken heart. No way no!

I am seated opposite Kensley so we're facing each other. I have the elbows of my hands standing firmly on the table with my palms supporting both my cheeks, as I maintain an expression which says "Go on big sis, I'm listening".

'Rose, don't tell me you and Julian are still not talking' she asks, quite gently, to my surprise. I expected her to yell at me or throw something or you know, throw someone.

I just have to act docile, I thought, now that I feel down casted. I look away from her face momentarily 'yes' I answer faintly, looking back at her. She grows a worried and concerned facial expression and meticulously observes my pale face making me feel sadder than I already am.

I feel like all my emotions are about to burst out in a million folds.......I might as well just die!!

'You really want it to end that badly, huh?' She enquires and I nod as a reply, 'We've all tried our possible best but the both of you just choose to remain so adamant'.

'I know, I know, it's just...'I pause for a moment and sigh. Tell her. Just tell her 'I.......I.......I' the words don't want to come out.

'Seriously, you what?' she arches a questioning eyebrow.

Just say it Paisley, just say it!

'I....I think I'm falling in love with him' I manage to spill out, giving Kensley the chance to exhibit a sweet smile as she takes hold of my two hands and covers them with her warm ones, rubbing it soothingly. I can't help but smile at her gentle approach.

This is one of the reasons why I'm happy that I have someone like Kensley as my very big sister, Yes, my very big sister; she seniors me with nine years, but all that matters is that I have her.

'It's okay, I wholly understand' she nods to support her statement 'it happens'.

My smile gradually fades away 'what if he's not feeling the same way about me? I mean, he probably hates me. I'm sure he feels nothing but aversion towards me' I frown, hoping in my mind that he feels something but aversion for me, anything but aversion.

Kensley wears a Mona Lisa 'Don't be so sure'.

'Seriously sister Kensley, I know that's what he feels'.

Please God, let it be the complete opposite!

'And how do you know?' she stares at me quizzically.

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