Chapter 15

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Julian's POV

Snow goes up to her room, I guess, and Tyson leaves the dining room after her, leaving Kingsley and I alone. Few minutes after Kingsley leaves too, so now I'm alone.

Tyson comes over with a serious impression on his face which automatically shows that he wants to talk about something serious.

Settle down Julian!

'What's up?' He takes the seat next to the one I'm seated on.

'Julian, I might be young but I'm not dumb. What's going on between you and Paisley?'

'Me? Paisley? Nothing, we're good. Absolutely good' I sound as formal as possible.

Hopefully, he'll buy it.

What a lie!

He arches an eyebrow 'you're good?' he asks sceptically.

'Yeah we're good' I put on a nervous smile.

'Then when she comes down, call her name and tell her you love her'

'No, why would I do that?'

'...because she's your best friend'

'It doesn't matter' my voice is shaky and nervous. I think he might figure out that I'm lying.

'It does so you have to do it'

I sigh, scanning the room in exasperation to find her seated with her grandma and suddenly stay quiet, feeling kind of ashamed and wondering to myself, how can someone be so ravishing?

'Who am I kidding?' I look away and down at the table 'We're not good. We're far from good. I'm down and disconsolated, most things that were happy within me are now unhappy' I look in her direction again and just glare as she talks intimately with her grandma.

Honestly, right now, I don't care if she catches me staring!

'We stopped talking months ago and those months haven't been the best months of my life. I want her back. I need her back in my life' She looks in my direction and catches me staring but I don't budge; the distance between us is a little far so I can't vividly see her beautifully structured face up close.

She stares me out and I reluctantly look away, feeling ashamed of myself.

I hate what's happening.

'There's more to it, isn't it?' he asks with a gentle tone.

I face him 'I lost her and I don't know how to get her back. Through the months, I've developed these stubborn feelings for her and I can't seem to get rid of them. Tyson, would I be an asshole if I said I love her?'

He smiles 'No. You would be a man'

'And this love and the fact that I can't talk to her, hold her, touch her or kiss her, it's making me lose my mind. I don't know how long I can take this shit. She probably hates me and has no plan of ever being with me. I'm so in love with her; every time, I do nothing but think about her, I can't even concentrate in class because she's always there with her beautiful smile; now, I don't even get to tell her how ravishing she is and it hurts badly. I don't want it to be too late Tyson, what am I supposed to do......with this feeling that won't go away?'

'Julian, there's literally nothing you can do about it. Just keep loving her. Julian, if you really want her back in your life, you don't just say it, you actually have to act on it. Go to her'

'But I'm scared'

'Well you shouldn't be. You fuckin' shouldn't be. Remember, you're the man. She's not gonna come talk to you; she's actually waiting for you to come to her. And I really don't think she hates you, it's basically impossible' he assures me and I don't know why, but I feel this pile of encouragement surging through me due to the confidence and assurance carried in his voice.

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