Chapter 19

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Julian's POV

We're not going to use our church for the wedding. Our mums suggested that we shouldn't use any of our churches so they finally decided that it would be better if we used another church entirely.

The church programme starts at nine o'clock in the morning and the time here at the church lobby says nine' eleven am; the bride's family are not here yet; must be the traffic or something. We practically left home at seven' twenty three if I'm not wrong.

Pretty early? I know.

Michael, on his Yves Saint Laurent's tuxedo and Versace brogues is very prepared yet freakin' nervous. He has been really shaky since last night, just like I've been ever since that little chat I had with Snow this morning; I haven't been able to stop thinking about her not that I ever do and someday, someday, I hope I'll be in Michael's position with her.

The ambience is frizzy with Nathaniel and Gabriel trying to calm Michael down while I fumble with the collar of his jacket. I've been trying to adjust it for a solid three minutes now but it's seeming impossible seeing as he keeps bimbling helter skelter.

'What says the time?' He asks for the hundredth time, his voice shaky.

'Uhhh' I glance at my watch 'nine seventeen'

And just as if I pronounced it, we hear several horns of cars and as If a singnal was passed to my brain, I begin to fidget.

'I think I should go in now' Michael states confidently, stylishly gathering momentum.

'Yeah I think you should. You got this bro' Nathaniel pats his shoulders encouragingly.

'We'll join you in a jiffy' Gabriel adds and I nod in support.

Confidently and courageously, He opens the door and walks in. A minute after, The Weather's all come in looking stunningly gorgeous; Wesley, Hensley, the bride; Kensley, the mum and dad, grandparents, kids, uncles, aunts and not to forget, Snow.

We all exchange fast pleasantries due to the irredeemable time that's been wasted already.

'We're going in okay, you guys should compose yourselves well' Mrs Weather drops before kissing her husband, winking at a very beautiful Kensley and going in with the rest of the family members. No one had to tell anyone before they knew what to do although the kids are an exception. Mr Weather is already holding Kensley so Nathaniel grabs hold of Wesley, Gabriel holds Hensley and I hold my Snow.

Her look is indescribable, for real; I can't use words to describe how she looks so I'll just leave it at that.

Jeremy opens the door and goes in with Jason following behind him. Abigail and Emma also follow as they begin sprinkling roses on the floor. Nathan and Wes take the first line then Gab and Hens then Snow and I with Kensley and Mr Weather right behind us.

My heart is beating faster than the speed of light; if I'm not careful enough, it might actually disconnect itself from its socket and jump out.

We all strut in slowly to the professionally decorated church walls and the moment Kensley and Mr Weather enter the room, the whole congregation stands up on their feet, the instrumentalists begin to play and Michael, standing on the right hand side of the priest, exhibits a wide smile.

A smile that speaks: "After eight years, you're finally fully mine", The quintessence of a happy man!

Slowly, we walk in a straight line and I'm just trying so hard not to look at this girl by my side.

I won't look at her but I'll tell her how she looks.

'Snow' I whisper loudly.

She hums in reply.

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