Reservations and Form

643 10 126

Reservations will be held for 48 hours. After that the slot will be re-opened. Be sure to send all forms to


Slot 1: Apollo Zera (@GhostOfTheIceberg)

Slot 2: Loki (@monalisatimelord)

Slot 3: The Erlking (@WatchOutForMarvin)

Slot 4: Dionysus (@PeterNotPan)

Slot 5: Sterculius (@alpacaspwn4)

Slot 6: Balder Odinson (@TheDarkHorse)

Slot 7: Eros Valencia (@ariel-lannister)


Slot 1: Skadi (@CalloseDreams)

Slot 2: Persephone (@RappyTheDinosaur)

Slot 3: Nyx (@TotTheRussian)

Slot 4: Bast (@SilverAndGoldfish)

Slot 5: Athena Vincita (@MagmaKepner)

Slot 6: Aphrodite (@YourAverageDemigod)

Slot 7: Chaos (@YourAverageDemigod)

It's Best Not To Ask (can be a god, goddess, both, or neither)

Slot 1: Amaterasu (@RappyTheDinosaur)

Slot 2: Jade (The Jade Emperor) (@jacobfulton7)

Slot 3: Ko'lhamana (@monalisatimelord)

Slot 4: Yemaya (@Littlefoot98)

Slot 5: Val (Valkyrie) (@jacobfulton7)

Slot 6: Reserved for @SoupForBrains

The Form:

Name of Deity

Culture of Origin

God of?


Appearance (optional picture, doesn't need to be a photo)


Brief History

3 Godly Powers

1 Fatal Weakness



Reservations are now open!

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