Tara x Piccolo: Pt.2

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Tara's ex is her ex for a damn good reason. While the two were in a relationship, Tara's ex quickly revealed himself  to be a very controlling, verbally abusive and emotionally manipulative being. Basically, he wasn't worth sh*t, much less a saiyan warrior such as Tara. However, despite being the strongest of the two by a wide range, the question of why Tara didn't simply kill him, remains unanswered by both Tara's family and herself. His name is Solf J. Kimblee, known throughout his country of Amestris as the Crimson Alchemist. Known for his twisted ideas of death and terror being beautiful and melodious, as well as his incredibly inhumane realist thought-process, Solf was no doubt a bad match for Tara from the start. But then again, he was very charming and very handsome, and even Tara couldn't deny that even after the hell she went through. 

Tara glared at her miserable ex-boyfriend in response to his disgusting smirk. Tara didn't stall, and growled out her question through grit teeth.

"What the hell are you doing here, Kimblee?!" 

"Ah, my dear, dear Tara... Such an honor to-" Solf had to jump backwards in order to avoid the ki blast that Tara so earnestly used in order for some distance to be created by this beast. 

"Woah there sweetheart, I just want to talk," Solf said in his defense, with no sense of alarm in his tone. 

"What. The. Hell. Do. You. Want!?" Tara growled once more.

"See, I'm in a bit of a pickle here... Well, to put it plainly; I need to stay with you to avoid getting court martialed, the Amestrian military is on my case again, you know, for killing all of those Ishavlans?" Kimblee explained, as calm as can be. 

"You murdered people!?" Tara screeched, but before being able to say anything more, she found her mouth being covered, and her waist held on tightly by the terrorist. 

"How the hell- he was just meters away!" Tara thought, obviously surprised by such speed. 

"Now, I don't want to hurt you, dear, I really don't. You're still of some value to me," Solf whipered into her ear like the creep that he is. 

"You, motherf*cker, are dead!" Tara screamed internally, powering up to a super saiyan, catching her captor by complete surprise, and let her go. 

"Ohh, feisty aren't we my dear? Perhaps you'd-" Before finishing, Tara pierced his shoulder with a well-rounded ki-beam, making Solf groan in pain.

"I should've killed you long ago, Kimblee!" Tara yelled at the top of her lungs, running up to him and landing a good ol' round-house kick on his (no longer) handsome face, which earned her an extra sound of pain. 

"Look, I know you're angry... But I'm sorry!" Solf coughed out some blood, but got no sympathy, as this was one of his many ways of manipulating and therefore avoiding any more brutal attacks from his obviously more powerful ex-girlfriend. 

"SHUT.UP!" Tara demanded, punching him with each word that came out. 

As Tara was about to be consumed by her hatred, and kill this abusive man that took so much away from her, she was awoken from her almost-complete trance by a deep voice. 

"Tara! Enough! Don't kill him!" The voice commanded. 

It was Piccolo, and his timing couldn't have been any more perfect. 

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