Tara x Piccolo: Pt.3 (Finale)

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"P-P-Piccolo?" Tara asked in confusion, snapping out of her raging mode and staring at the Namekian in horror, with one hand lifting Kimblee by the collar of his shirt, and the other frozen in place in a position ready to release a blast.

"Tara... Put. Him. Down," Piccolo repeated, not even attempting at a smart-ass remark.

"But.... B-But-"

"I won't repeat myself again, Tara. Do as I say this instant!" Piccolo commanded, but that only got Tara to snap back into murder mode.

"This son of a miserable whore has put me through Hell! HE DESERVES TO DIE, DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND?!" Tara shrieked.

Piccolo's frown only got more serious, now walking towards the Saiyan, "I said I wasn't going to repeat myself, last chance!" he growled, getting closer to her as he talked.

"Go to hell, Namekian! He's going to die whether I have your approval or not!" Tara cried out, charging her blast quickly in order to not even give Piccolo the chance to intervene. Piccolo had to think quickly.

"TARAAA!" Piccolo yelled out in a tone similar to that of a battle cry, now full on launching himself towards the hate-blinded saiyan in order to at least attempt at intercepting the death blow. Thankfully, the Namekian managed to kick Kimblee from Tara's grasp, the blast only avoiding his face by mere centimeters.

Tara didn't seem too happy about that

Within seconds, Piccolo found himself to be in a one-on-one fight with Tara, and was now fighting for (potentially) his life. If there was anyone that could embody the phrase "looks kill", Tara was the one to look for. Even as they fought, Piccolo noticed that he wasn't fighting the sweet and protective Tara that he grew to know and what he believes to love (keep in mind that he's a Namekian, so he's new to these feelings), but was in combat with a saiyan blinded by her animosity, which was built up by the blocks of pain and abuse. Kick after kick, punch after punch, it became clear that even if this was, in fact, a battle between good and evil intentions, evil would be the clear victor if Piccolo cannot find something to say or do in order to snap Tara out of it.

"Well, if we die in the next few minutes, I just wanted you to know that-" Nail said, obviously not that much of a help considering the situation,

"YOU BETTER NOT SAY WHAT I-" Piccolo started.

"to know that you should've stayed with "Nail Gun" instead of "Special Beam Cannon"," Nail finished.... Which made Piccolo think that maybe he should have just left him to die on Namek that one time.


"Well, you gotta think of something fast, because- oh no..."

"What now!?" Piccolo asked angrily, only to realize that Tara was now about to throw a huge, and emphasis on 'HUGE' kamehameha wave.

"Kaaaaaaaaaaa, meeeeeeeeeeeeee, haaaaaaaaaa, meeeeeeeee-"


"Perfect!" Piccolo said out loud, taking his weighted shoulder pads off (what was left of them that is) and with his increased speed, managed to fly behind Tara and before she could do anything, knocked her out with a controlled, but hard hand chop to her neck. With this, Tara passed out and fell into Piccolo's arms.

"You.... You... You pathetic fool...." Piccolo whispered, gracefully landing back on the ground and setting her down.

"All right! Good job Namekian, now... If you would be so kind as to erase her memory or something?" said a weak voice from a distance, making Piccolo glare at the source. And lo and behold, it was non other than Kimblee.

"I don't have the ability to do that... Leave before she wakes up," Piccolo said lowly.

"Come now... Piccolo, right?," Kimblee asked, standing up, probably thanks to the Philosopher's Stone, "I only need to escape the authorities for just a little while,"

"I said, leave," Piccolo repeated, but Kimblee would not be disposed of so easily.

".... How about no?" Kimblee asked, a smirk obviously on his face. Piccolo looked at him directly, disgust covering his look.

"I WILL MURDER YOU MYSELF, AMESTRIAN!" Piccolo threatened through grit teeth, "I AM GIVING YOU THE CHANCE TO LIVE! Even IF I myself don't want to,"

"See, I don't particularly like running way from fights.... I prefer winning them," Kimblee said in a low, sadistic voice.

"Fine then.... REMEMBER THAT THIS WAS YOUR CHOICE!" Piccolo yelled, pinning Kimblee to the wall and piercing his hand through his neck, which ended his life quickly; the only mercy Piccolo was able to give.

You might be wondering why the heck would Piccolo kill him, if he was actually wanting to stop Tara from doing it herself. Besides, Piccolo didn't know what Tara had been through, right? Wrong, actually. See, Tara may not have been able to recall it because of the raging mindset she was in, but she did indeed tell Piccolo what had happened to her in her past relationship. From the day they had met, to the day Tara thought that she had had enough and left Kimblee and secretly left the country, Piccolo did in fact know what poor Tara went through. And as the days went by, and Piccolo started feeling what he still speculated to possibly be love, and as a result, Tara's anger became his anger, and the fights that she'd start, he would finish.

"Tara.... You stupid saiyan... Even if I still have my doubts about what I feel towards you, I know this much," Piccolo spoke lowly, as he lifted her up once more, "I won't let anyone get that close to hurting you again, and that's a promise,"


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