I hate him

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"You're blocking my way, old man. Move."

Elliott turned around and glared at him, not saying anything and not moving an inch.

"Why do I always have bad luck? It's non other than my dear friend Crypto."

Crypto, or Tae Joon Park, looked at Mirage indifferently, waiting for him to move ,but the trickster didn't even think about giving in. "There's enough space to just walk around me.", he said with little anger in his voice.

"I'm still not over our 'little fight', but I'm not the one who started it, really! Well maybe I'm also at fault... But he doesn't even try to apologise, he's just.... Well avoiding me, the star of the games, and being very rude."

The asian man looked at him still with the same coldness and raised one brow before he opened his mouth like he wanted to protest. "Whatever, ...I don't  discuss with idiots." He walked past Mirage, hitting him with his elbow while walking, ignoring the glare of the other man.

"What the hell man?!" Elliott turned around following the disappearing silhouette of Crypto with his eyes before he went to his own room shutting the door close.

"Why ist he so...so.... Just what did I do to deserve this?!"

Mirage threw himself on his bed and digged his head in one of his pillows. He was mad. He didn't understand why he was that upset about a fight with ...well actually a stranger. He didn't knew anything about this man, only his legend name, and the fact that he was a hacker or something like that..."Smarty-pants didn't even told me his real name when I asked politely last time..." He snorted into the pillow.

There are people who like Mirage and people who hate him or think he's annoying, he didn't really care. Even if they hated him he was in the spotlight and that was all that matters to him.... But for some strange reason was Mirage very upset about being treated like trash by this guy.

- 'flashback- the incident'

Mirage and Crypto were sitting side by side  in one of the houses, injured while the air strike of Bangalore exploded outside. Mirage looked at Wattsons banner before putting it back in to his pocket. "I'm sorry sweetie there is no respawn beacon.." his voice was deep and rough and he groaned quietly in pain holding his bleeding side. Crypto wasn't in a better condition.

There were only three other squads left and Crypto felt exhausted, but didn't let anybody know. He didn't sleep well last night. He thought about Mila and the syndicate, hoping they didn't notice anything yet. It was very tiring to keep up the guard every second, but he had to endure it for the sake of Mila. He knew she was still alive. Before he got to deep into thoughts Mirage poked him lightly at his arm while grinning like an idiot. At least that was what Crypto thought. "Hey it's still indi- indice- indecivi-.... We still have the same amount of kills..." For a moment he looked slightly embarrassed for his speaking disorder and it was kind of cute, "...but I'm going to win this, just watch me, kid." Mirage added. Crypto looked at him annoyed and unimpressed "You're thinking too high of yourself.".

They were still challenging each other like they did in Cryptos first match and while they argued, they didn't noticed the hunter who approached them, only when bloodhound pointed his peacekeeper right into cryptos face. "Watch out smarty-pants!" Mirage pushed Crypto to the side and unholstered his wingman. The trigger was pulled and the bullets hit Crypto on his shoulder what made him whine quietly. Mirage shot every last bullet he had at their enemy who fell to the ground, not moving anymore. They were both shocked, not moving or saying anything before Crypto looked at bloodhound and then at Mirage who suddenly wore a big smile and said something really dumb. Crypto couldn't even talk back or be angry or grateful for Mirages rescue before a sudden pain in his back and the ticking of an arc star appeared. Everything went black after the explosion and Bangalores laughing was the last thing they heard.


Crypto walked down the hallway, angry about his teammates, especially Mirage. No, not his teammates made him angry,  it was only Mirage, who was still in the medical wing with some other legends, recovering from the rough battle. Crypto wasn't that affected and only felt a slightly pain in his back and on his shoulder.

He didn't know why, but Mirage made him angry. Maybe he was one of those people who would make you angry without any reason, just like Mila said, back then when they were kids. Crypto was annoyed of all this joking and he didn't liked how this idiot was so joyful, arrogant, flirty and cheeky.

He tried not to think about the last minutes of his game. But he clearly remembered Mirages last words before they both got caught by the explosion.

"Now it's 9:8 for me ,kid."

He was mad, no angry. No that's not it. He was annoyed and didn't wanted to see this idiot again. It would be the best for both of them so he decided to do some research to distract himself a little.

"There is still enough time to look through the last document without being disturbed"

Crypto walked through the corridor when a woman approached him from behind while calling out his name, "crypto! Wait! We need to talk! It's about your fans!"

The woman was like a secretary, or something like that. She was also the one who told him about the rules for the games, what would happen when he died during the game and many other things he needed to know. Crypto turned around, his face looked really repellent because his time was running and the file was still waiting for him.

The woman finally reached him and brushed her brown hair back. "I have great news! Look at this!" She pointed at a paper with some stats.

"What about them?" Crypto looked up from the paper into her eyes. He was not really interested.

"Your fans increased since your last game. The fans love your quarrel with Mirage. It seems like he is pulling you into the spotlight too." The woman smiled phony, her whole presence and character seemed like a facade. It was all fake... she was working for the syndicate and that was enough of a reason for Tae to be very suspicious. He couldn't trust anyone. He wasn't happy about what she told him, it was the exact opposite to be honest. "Is that something to be happy about?" He said passive aggressive and turned around to continue his way. "I'm sorry, but I'm busy right now." He walked away without looking back , leaving the confused woman alone.

"How can somebody be happy about being in the spotlight, behaving like a clown just to please the fans? And now he's pulling me into his light too?! I hate him."

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