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Isn't it funny
Everyday I tell people to be strong
Tell them they're beautiful
When I don't believe it myself
Tell them not to die
To stand back up and keep fighting
As i am ready to give up.
I say "claw your way back to the light"
Keep standing up, fighting the fight
But yet i am ready to die
I gave up long ago. Life isn't worth it.
My battle has been lost
I've fallen into a hole
And I can no longer climb back out.
But i'll keep smiling,
i'll keep my head up
So they don't know anythings wrong
You don't know that i'm screwed up
I'll tell you that it's worth it to live
To think of those you'll leave behind
Yet i am ready to go.
But don' worry. I'm fine
Oh? You are sad? I'm sorry. Can i help?"

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