Chapter 5- Hanging out

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Slender POV:

I was finished with my paperwork I look at the time it was dinner time and I left my office to see. The hallway clean. The only time I see these hallways clean was wen Tender come over. I close the door and did a double-take and see the hallway is indeed clean. I teleported the kitchen only to see ___ eating some (favorite candy).

"____ did you see someone similar to me? It's strange the hallway seems to be clean." I said.

"Oh yeah. I hope you don't mind I did some cleaning with Lui today. I just couldn't stand the dust and dirt and dried blood." ___ replied

"You clean the entire mansion?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah, you be surprised how useful water manipulation can be. Oh and you can skip making my dinner made something to eat already. And I am ready to sleep in. Boy, I'm tired."

"Yes, you go rest and thank you ____.  Now  child, tomorrow  I insist you rest and relax." I said and she nodded leaving.

During dinner, Toby asked were was ____ and Lui's response that she was resting. After dinner, I wash the dishes as usual and played with sally a bit. Then went back to my office and called Toby.

"Y-yes?" Toby said.

"Child, can you tell me a bit more about ____? I mean like what kind of person she is." I asked it's weird I can confirm she's definitely not fully human, What's stranger is that I can't seem to read her mind.

"W-well she's fun to be around. She can get along wi-with everyone given t-time. She prefers being alone. Now come to thi-in-k of it she always sta-an-ds up for me and Jeff when we were younger. S-She hates and despises spiders. She never really talked about-t-t herself often, When we do it's usually her p-p-projects she wo-works on. "

"I seee thank you, you're dismissed," I said.

I think it is an interesting experience living with ___.

Time skip———(next morning)

Your POV:

I woke up at around eight want got dressed.

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I headed downstairs and this time Slender was already awake. I greeted him and helped him make breakfast. I asked him what kind of breakfast was his favorite to make and basically had a great convocation with him. He was really nice to take with. After breakfast, I decided to hang out with Lui, Jeff, and Toby for the day. We played a couple of games like just dance which Jeff sucked at. Lui and I laughed at Jeff and we made a couple of jokes too. Heck, we even played a bit of Truth or Dare with the others.

"Ok, truth or dare, Jeff," Lj said.

"Dare," he said.

"I Dare you to Brush the teeth of the person at the right of you."

I was the one next on the right of Jeff. It was extremely awkward, I laid on to Jeff's lap as he brushed my teeth with my toothbrush. Jeff even said that my teeth were surprisingly clean.

"Alright now that, that situation is now in the past, umm Angel truth or Dare?" Jeff said.

"Dare!" She said.

"I dare you to talk in a heavy Britsh accent for the rest of the Day!"

"Bloody El Jeff. I hate yeah" Angel said in a terrible British accent, "Alrit, BP a Cool dare or a juice truth eh?"

"umumm Truth," Bp said.

"What the most embarrassin painting or drawn you ever made"

"uhhh.. it was a ...."

"I didn't hear you..."

"A picture, of jeff with nothing but his pants on eating a banana"

"The heck," I said.

"BURN IT NOW," Jeff said.


"Why do you have a shrine of ME in your room?!! That weird," Jeff said.

"Let's move on, ____ Truth or Dare?" BP asked.

"Truth," I said.

"If you had to choose between going naked or having your thoughts appear in thought bubbles above your head for everyone to read, which would you choose and why?"

"Thought bubbles, plus I wouldn't mind at all. It's not like I have any weird thoughts of anything. Well, I would get some weird looked some people."

"Wait what do you think about anyway?"

"Trust me, you don't want to know what is in my mind."

After a few more, rounds later we went to the dining table to have dinner. During dinner, Slender explained to me that his brothers are coming and that one of his brothers is a bit perverted.

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