Chapter 11- Jeff and Lui

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Jeff Pov:

Today me and ___ have no missions so we can hang out a bit along with Lui in ____'s room. It was great we got to hang out like the old times. Ever since Lui and I were little we both liked ____ a lot. We both didn't want to ruin our relationship with ___ so we never said anything. Lui and I would sometimes argue about who should be with ____. ____ would stop us and said something sweet.

"....And that's it! That's how I nearly got fired in my cafe job." ____ said.

Lui and I laughed.

"Ok boys! I want to know something." ____ said.

"And that is?" Lui said.

"Do you guys like anyone in the Maison? I mean like I know Angel. likes you Lui. And Jeff has Nina being a fangirl." She said.

"EWW NO. I have no interest in angel!!! Yeah, I just think of her as a friend. But I don't really have anyone I like more that you, ____. " Lui said blushing only to realize why he said and corrected. "because you're my best friend."

"Nina it's a bit clingy. Now enough about us What about you. ____ most of the Pastas a are guys do surely you probably got a crush on one of them." I said slightly curious tone.

"Huh? What makes you think that? I mean everyone is cool an all. Admittedly there are a lot of hot boys here but no. And yes you two are in the 'hot guy' category."

"So you admit you like us. Wow, such love~" Sully Said.

"Sully! You know I don't mean it like that!" ___ said and blushed.

"Why don't we go watch a horror movie or something," I suggest.

Your POV:

After Jeff suggested we watch a movie we went to the living room and we let Lui select the movie. Nina and Ej joined us and watch the movie with us. I sat between Lui and Jeff.
Nina was glaring at me the whole time. I was too scared to do anything about it. I regretted letting Jeff choose the movie.

"Ahh!!! JEFF WHY DID YOU HAVE TO CHOOSE SUCH A MOVIE!!!" I screamed and held on to his hoodied.

"Heh, cause I want to hear you scream. Plus it's funny." Jeff said looking at me as I looked up.

"Yeeeek!" I screamed and practically jumped on to Lui.

"Hahaha Jeff this is the best choice of a movie you could have pick. I don't think so!" Lui said.

"Geez for someone that killer you sure are scared of a horror movie don't be a puss!" Nina said rudely.

"Don't be rude Nina. ___ is afraid of spiders. Like deathly afraid of them. We're watching acrophobia. And I'm enjoying it." Jeff said.

"JEFFF I HATE YOU!!!" I said hold tightly to Lui.

After we finished the movie, I left and Ignored Jeff. Lui followed me and we hung out a bit more in Lui's room before going to dinner.

Nina Pov:

After the movie, I came up with an idea. Ha, I'm going to Show ____ who's boss. Stealing my Jeff away. I have an idea just to show exactly what I'm made of. I want to Angel's room and knock.

"Sup Nina," Angel said as she opens the door.

"Hey, you want to prank ____ and scare the sh*t out of her. I bet this will teach her not to mess with Lui or my Jeff." I said to her.

"Hell yes! What do I have to do." She said excitedly.

"Ok so you go and get some fake spider or real ones and we can ...." I explained to her the plan.

"Alright. I can do that."

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