Chapter 24- Waking up

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EJ Pov:
It's been three days since ____ and Sally was saved and Zalgo was killed. ____ still hasn't waken up and everyone was worried. Smiley and I did all we can to help ____ with her injuries and we also had Jane help us with ____too. We also help the Pastas who where injuries from the fight too, I think Slender was the only one with any major injuries besides _____. The rest of us only got minor injuries or nonfatal injuries which we all are great-full for. I hope she wakes up soon. That pour girl was hurt pretty badly which made me wonder how the heck did she had the energy to fight after being beaten like that and from the looks of what Jane told us she looked like saw was raped too. _____ was in my room for the time being as I was the one mainly watching her with the others coming to see if she's awake or not. I told them I'd inform them if anything changes but some of them insist to stay for a while with her. I was sitting on my bed lost in thought as I looked over to ____ on the extra bed I have In my room.

"_____, I hope you wake up soon. Everyone's worried about you" I said.

A few minutes later I heard a knock and answered. It was Slender behind the door and I let him in.

"So how's _____?" He asked.

"Nothing has changed. But me and Smiley think she would wake up in a few more days or so." I replied and Slender nodded as he looked over to ____.

TimeSkip——-(two days later)

Your POV:

I started to stir a bit and moved around. It was somewhat uncomfortable, I felt like I'm sleeping on a very hard surface. I decided to open my eyes only to see I was in EJ's room. Looking around the room I notice no one was in the room with me. I remember but happened; looked down and saw I had a shirt and a T-shirt on. I also had a blanket that was now over my legs from me sitting up. I lifted my shirt up a bit seeing my injuries wrapped nicely in white bandages. I didn't want to remember what happen to me while I was kidnapped but I'm pretty sure I won't forget it in a long shot. I have never been so humiliated in my life. Thinking of what happens I only hugged myself. I shook my head and I tried to stand up. I stood up for a few seconds only and the. Just sat back down my body was just too sore to do anything. The door opened and o saw Ej walking in. He saw that I was awake and walked over to me and sat next to me.

"This bed is really uncomfortable," I said.

"Welp it's a metal bed what do you expect? Now ____ how do you feel? Also, I'm glad your awake everyone was so worried about you."

"Well I did try to stand up a few seconds before you came in but my body too sore to walk. But other Than that I think I'm okay. And how long was I asleep?" I asked.

"Five days," Ej said.

"Oh.... and Um did you ummm dress me," I asked as I slightly blushed.

"Yeah, but Jane took care of your wound on your more private areas. Me and Smiley took care of the rest. So don't worry I didn't see anything I Shouldn't see."

"Heh I wouldn't have mind if you did after Zalgo did that thing," I said as I shivered at the thought of what he did to me.

"What thing."

"Welp I was strapped in bed and naked. And did that thing that people do to make them feel good?" I said.

"____ do you know know what s*x is?" Ej asked.

"Um.... no, not really. I just know if you don't wanna do it then it's call rape and it a thing you do with a lover."

"___ what did Zalgo do when he did that 'thing' your referring too."

"Well he said something about me being a Virgin and that that just makes it more fun. And after he did that thing, he tortured me." I asked quietly.

Ej didn't say anything and just hugged me. I was grateful. I couldn't help but cry on him thinking of what Zalgo did.

"Well, your safe now. So don't cry okay?" Ej said as he comforted me.

After a few minutes, I let go and he said he wanted to check on my injuries and told me why to do so he could.

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