Chapter 19- Kidnapped

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??? Pov:

I'm my minions saw that slender had recruited a new pasta. I looked over to see the information my minions had gathered. She had (hair color)ed hair, (skin color)ed skin, beautifully captivating (eye color) eyes full of joy, and a beautiful body as well. She had the power of water and blood manipulation. I also know she wasn't just human she was half something else although my minions can't figure it out. How interesting.  I know it's about time I pay Slender a visit maybe pull a bit of chaos along with it. I sent clockwork and Rodgers to kidnap Sally and whoever that decide to stop them. I know how much Slender is fond of her and thinks do Sally as his own daughter. I can't wait to see his angrily face proceeded by his face when he's defeated by me.

Your POV:

I was playing with sally in her room. We were playing with her stuffy and Sally seemed to enjoy it. I couldn't help but feel like someone was watching us but ignored it. Boy was I wrong to ignore that gut feeling. We continue to play a bit more. We went to get some tea and biscuits once we did we went back to Sally's room. As we eat some of the biscuits we heard a loud sound.

"What was that?" Sally asked scared.

" I don't know you what to go check it out?" I asked.

She nodded and we left the room. It turns out to be Jeff and Ben roughhousing again and I told them off. After that, Sally and I went back to her room to continue our little tea party. After a few sips of tea, sally said she was tired and wanted to take a nap. I nodded and laid her on her bed. I watched her fall asleep. I stayed close to her keeping an eye on her as the unsettling feeling was still bothering me and I stayed. It was then at that moment I suddenly felt someone was behind me. This alarmed me and I quickly turned but not fast enough. The person has hit me on my neck and I passed out.

??? Pov:

"Sir we brought back sally and that new pasta too." Clockwork said.

"Good good. Be sure to place a  magic depression bracelet on that new pasta. You're dismissed after that." I said.

She nodded and left me alone. Great now I have two hostages I can use. Maybe I can have some fun with them too. I'll go check on them later, meanwhile, I guess I can just think of ways the mentally and physically torture them.

Time skip——-

Lui's POV:

It was dinner time and Slender made dinner. After a few minutes ____ Ans Sally hasn't come down and Slender told me to check Sally's and ____'s room for them and tell them dinner was ready. I went to Sally's room first. No one answered my knock so I let myself in. It was empty I turn on the lights and saw the teacups that still have tea in them. But it was cold. And in finished biscuits as well.

"Strange ___ would never leave a  Tea unfinished,"  Sully said.

"I know... and leave something for someone to clean after them." I said, "let's go check in ___'s room."

I walked to ___'s room and knocked. I waited a few minutes and nothing.

"Uhh ____? It's me, Lui and Sully, we're here to tell you...." I said as I held the door job realize it was unlocked "dinners ready..."

I open the door and nothing. Pitch black. I turn on the light and no one was in the room, Strange.

"Sully I'm started to get worried," I said.

"Oh, Lui your probably just imagining things. ___ and Sally probably playing around or something."

"I hope your right late go look around a bit."

I walked around looking for the two of them. It was about ten minutes since I was told to get ___ and Sally. I decided to go back down.

"Guys We can't find ____ or Sally. We tried but there not in their rooms or in a the hall."

"Are you sure?" Jane asked as I nodded.

"What should we do?" I asked and looked at Slender.

"Finish your meals and we'll all look for Sally and ____," Slender said as we nodded.

After dinner, Slender left the dirty dishes in the sink and we all looked for Sally and ___. After two hours of looking we couldn't find ___ or Sally. Ej decides to go into Sally's room again. Ej smelled something weird in the now cold tea and gave it to Smiley to check it.

After Smiley examines the tea he had concluded that it was mixed with a sleeping pill or something similar to it. We immediately took slender and everyone when in panic mode as we came to the realization that ____ and Sally make have been kidnapped right under our noses.

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