Chaper 20- Zalgo

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Disclaimer! (Nudity and humiliation.) it will have a warning before it comes.

Your POV:

I wake up only to feel a cold are a surface under me and something on my arm. I open my eye to see I'm in a cell or something that looked like a cell.

"____! Finally, you're awake! I kept calling you I thought you were dead for a good few minutes." I heard.

I looked around to see Sally in the cell across.

"Do you know where are we?" I asked.

"I think where in Zalgo's layer! This is bad _____! I want to go home." Sally said looking at me about to cry.

"Hey hey! Here play I promise I'll get both of us out of here." I said trying to comfort her "but who's Zalgo?"

"He's a scary Demon who hates the pastas! He's going to try to hurt us I just know it!" Sally said.

"Oh.... Welp, I'm sure we can. Get out of this, maybe the other's already know where gone and coming." I said.

"I hope so," Sally said as we both hear footsteps coming our way.

Once it was close enough I saw what looks like a humanoid demon. He had a gray hue to his skin, red eyes, black hair with horns and Sharp claws. He stopped at my cell not once looking at Sally's. Sally looked terrified, that pour girl.

"Hello," I said Calmly as the entity seemed to be surprised by this.

They laughed and there voice was slightly distorted "Hello, ____."

"Who are you? Why did you bring us here."

"I seee straight forward one. Sweet little _____ do you know who I am? Or do you just have guts hmmm?"

".... No. nor do I care if you were a weirdo or something like that I'd still ask you that."

"My name is Zalgo. And I'm here to have a little fun." He said with an evil smirk on his face, I didn't say anything back.

"Hmmm what should I do to you two know? Oh, I know. I guess I can start with you." He said and turned to Sally.

'I know this might be a death wish but... I can't let Sally get hurt. I wouldn't forgive myself.' I thought then said, "WAIT!"

He turns back to me with an amused look.

"Whatever your doing don't do it on Sally... please," I said, god how I hated that I sounded so desperate.

He laughed as if he knew I was going to say that and turn to me and walked closer to my cell as got closer to me and whispered: "I'm going to do whatever to you and you will do it or else Sally Williams will be no more, you got that?"

I nodded and he smirked opening my cell and dragging me with him by my hands. I tried struggling but no use. I tried using my magic but nothing happened. I could only accept my fate as Sally yell for him to stop. He dragged me to what seems like a bedroom and threw me on the bed after he locked the door. He grabbed some clothes and looked at me with a smirk.

⚠️Warning This is where the nudity and humiliation started. ⚠️

"Change." He said and threw them at me.

I looked around and there was a bathroom I can go to change but he stopped me.

"I didn't say you can go to the bathroom." He said.

"How else am I going to change?" I asked.

"Here. You don't want to make me angry now, do you? I mean what would happen to pour Sally?"

I blushed with no choice I stripped down to my undergarments hesitantly and was about to put on the clothes he gave me.

"Stop. Take off your bra and Panties to."

This was humiliating but I did what he said and stripped to my naked body and changed to the clothes he gave me.

It was a bit tight and admittedly a bit kinky, it was a corsage dress with a zipper on the front and a back that's laced together by a ribbon. I stood there uncomfortably as he stared at me with a grin on his face.

⚠️ This is where it stops ⚠️

" you must be hungry I'll get one of my minions to get you something. As for what you're going to fro me, Well you'll see. Now stay like a good little pet." Zalgo said and put a collar with a chain on me.

He chained me to the bed and left the room. With my clothes with him. I looked around a bit more and I still couldn't escape the room. The chain was too short and I had no way of defending myself. I really hope Slender and the others realize we're gone.

(Meanwhile at the Maison.)

Jeff's Pov:

We searches everywhere in the Maison and no ____ or Sally. Ej and Smiley found that the tea that they where drink had been drugged, probably when they were in the living room with me and Ben. I hope there not with Zalgo but I know only one person who knows this place besides the pastas are ZALGO and his minions.

"W-what a-are w-e going t-to? W-what if they're hurt." Toby said as we all are worried as f*ck for the two.

Nina and Angel are probably extremely happy that ____ is gone and probably hurt but there still worried for Sally.

"We'll head to Zalgo's layer as soon as we confirm is they are there. Hoodie and Masky I want you to seek into Zalgo's layer of you see sally or ____ come back and will all head there together. And get back ____ and Sally." Slender said.

"Let's hope we're not too late," Jane said.

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