Chapter 25: Lui's Ending

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Your Pov:

After Ej was done to check my wounds, he left the room to get me something to eat and told the others that I was awake. I waited a few minutes and Ej got me some (favorite meal). Once I was done I set my plate on the table. Ej took the plate back to the kitchen afterward and came back to the room.

Ej left me to rest and he was doing something on his phone when Lui kicked the door open. I was startled for a few seconds as I see Lui came running and hugged me. I hugged him back without hesitation.

"WHAT THE F*CK  LUI?" Ej said angrily.

"____ we're so happy that You're awake," Lui said Ignoring Ej.

"Ej can you give us a moment?" I asked.

"Alright, Lui you better Fix my F*cking door after this," Ej said and walked off.

"Anyways Lui, can you let go?" I asked.

He nodded and let go of me the Sat next to me. There was a couple of silence before he broke it.

"____ We thought we lost you... when you collapse on to Slender. We can't bear to see you hurt... once we where told what happened to you we were so angry. Because we couldn't do anything. If we relived sooner or check-in you sooner than we might of avoid you getting so badly hurt. We are sorry ____ we didn't notice sooner." They said.

"Lui, Sully, you didn't do anything wrong. So don't blame yourself for anything okay? I'm just glad I'm able to be here now with you. Even if everything is sore." I said resting my head in his chest.

"____ I think we both love you. That we are glad if you be our girlfriend, Me and Lui." He said.

I smiled and said, "I like you guys too." And kissed him on the cheek.

Author-Chan's Pov: 5 years later.

Firstly Angel was not happy with ____ and Lui being a thing. However, she respected that was Lui's choice and she didn't act on her jealousy. She still hates ____ but wouldn't ever get physical with her. Angel would always pull some harmless pranks and argue with ___. It was a love-hate relationship (mostly hate) between angel and  ___.

Two years later form the day then became an item, Lui purposed to ___. It was a sweet and somewhat way of asking her. He had simply taken her out for a picnic and gave her a card (shown in the pic) and showed her the engagement ring. ___ happily accepts.

 ___ happily accepts

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At first, they weren't sure if they wanted a kid or not

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At first, they weren't sure if they wanted a kid or not. Later on, they decided to give it a try and had twins a girl and a boy. The Girl was named (Daughter's name) and the boy was named (Son's name.) Lui and ____ made a vary good parents and had help from Jeff on occasion for babysitting. It was though having twins but Lui and _____ mange's just fine. Lui was an extremely protective father and husband. ____ absolutely love it but got annoyed sometimes. ___ was happy that she had such good friends and a loving family.

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