Chaper 21- ⚠️Torture: Part One ⚠️

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Disclaimer! This chapter will contain the following: (Abuse, rape, ) so if your sensitive skip this chapter entirely.

Your POV:

It had been an hour or so since Zalgo made me eat. It was a decent meal but still, I will rather be at home with the pastas. Zalgo walked into the room and unchaining me from the bed. He threw me on the bed and tie me to the bed frame. My hands were above my head, legs spread wide open for him to see my private. I desperately tried my best to hide but it was no us. He pressed a button on the wall next to the bed and the entire wall flipped to show a brick wall with cabinets. Hanging on the wall was Gags to whips to anything you can think of to torture and do 'things' with.

"Now ____. You will call me master got that." He said as he walked over to the wall and grab a few things which didn't see.

"Yes, m-master." I said looking away from him I didn't know what he was going to do to me but I knew it was nothing good.

"Open your mouth." He commanded.

I did just that, he put a ring gag on me and blindfolded me. I whimpered a bit as I was scared and I tried to get out. It was then I felt something get on the bed. Nothing really happens for a few seconds until
I heard and left the Zipper on the dress bringing unzipped I struggled more only to be slapped my Zalgo.

"DON'T MOVE SO MUCH YOU DAME Pet." He said and I instantly stopped fearing what he might do if I didn't only whippers came out of my mouth.

I felt his hand on my (size)ed breasts his other on my waist as he's breath give me shiver. His head was very close to my neck. I was helpless, I couldn't only make unrecognized able slurs of words no thanks to the gag he put on me. He played around with my breasts then but my neck hard, I screamed as I felt his teeth dug into my skin. He started sucking on the newly made wound as he ripped off the Clothes he gave me. I was one naked I front of a demon thing tied up on the bed. His hand travels down my body and stopped in my inner thigh. He was rubbing my thighs slowly making me feel a were tingle between my legs. He stopped sucking and lifted his head up only just for him to dive back into my neck and licked all over my collar bones. He hit that one spot with his tongue that made me Make a weird noise. He smirked and sucked on it as he's hand hit closer to my nether regions. After a few minutes of him playing me like that he stopped, I was glad only for a few seconds before I felt his hand on my nether regions. I tried saying 'please stop' but nothing he ignored my cry's to make him stop. He rubbed my privates faster as I made more of those noises. Then I heard him squirt something on an object, the next thing I knew his finger was in me. It stung a bit but not as bad as you would think it was I wiggles around trying to get his finger out.

"What part of don't move do you not get? Move again and I'll make sure you be feeling like I'm ripping you apart. At least I was nice enough to get you ready before I f*ck you." He said and I stopped.

He added another finger in me as I couldn't help but moved a bit. He slapped me again and I stopped. Then a few minutes later he took his finger out and I felt something hard on my face and it was shoved in my mouth. I also Zalgo movement and it deal like I'm between his legs.

"Now suck you b*tch." He said and I did, I had no choice but to follow his orders 'This is going to be just fine. Slender will save us. I'll just have to endure this for Sally.... so she won't get hurt.' I thought.

As I sucked I felt something cold against my private. I felt the thing in my mouth moved a bit as I heard a bit of shuffling. I left something cold against my privates. I tried screaming but it was muffled only warning groan from Zalgo. I felt something being shoved in my butt it was cold and I couldn't help but scream but it was muffled. Then there was another thing I left that was shoved in my Womanhood. I started to cry as he toyed with me. The thing in my womanhood started vibrating and I struggled to get it out along with whatever was in my butt. After a few minutes, the things in my privates are both removed along with the thing in my mouth. I felt Zalgo move around to and he's head was now once again on my neck licking me. I left the weight shifted and something g big shoved into my womanhood fast and painfully. I screamed and it only got a laughing form Zalgo.

"Heh that explain is your a f*ckin virgin. Great that just makes it even more fun. F*ck you're tight." He said as I felt it being pulled out and shoved back in.

Zalgo was pounding into me and all I could do is listen to his pleasure and my screams as I tried to beg him to stop. I could feel his claws digging into my waist as I felt my blood flowing out of the scratched me made. Maybe thirty minutes later I felt his rhythm because sloppy as he kept dirty talking me. I felt something building up in my stomach as he got faster and faster.

"F*CKIN SH*T I'm about to CUM." He yelled as he pounded into me faster.

A few seconds later I felt like I was peeing myself as something was shot inside me like a warm liquid of sorts. Zalgo pulled out of me and laid on top of me.

"Damn you feel so good. You know I think I might just keep you." He said before untying me.

I couldn't move. My lower body was sore and my arms were numb being stuck like that for what seems likes hours. He picks me up and took me to the bathroom. He bathed me like a baby and touched every single part of me. Later he changes me into only a laced bra and panties. I was exhausted so I let him do whatever he did. He places me in the bed which was strangely now clean from the white stuff and my blooded witch dirty it. He leads me on the bed and chained me up by the collar he put on me.

"No be a good little girl and stay wait until
Master comes back with a lot more fun later." Zalgo said.

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