Chapter 6- The Slender-Brothers.

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Your POV:

"Everyone my brothers are coming over today so I need you all to be in your best behavior!" Slender said.

"Yes, sir!" Everyone said.

"____ this will be your first time meeting my brothers. So be yourself and you'll be fine. Jeff and Lui remember to keep an eye on ___ I don't want Offender doing anything weird to her"

"Alright," Jeff said.

"But Slender can't ____ handle herself she doesn't need Lui/Jeff to take care of her!" Nina and Judged angel said out of jealousy.

"Yes I'm aware but I want to just in case got that girl," Slender said.

"Yes, sir." They said unhappily.

"Alright slender is there Anything I should know before they get here?" I asked.

"Yes, my brother offender had his ... ways with women. I hope you are careful around him." He said as I nodded.

With that, I decided to dress better on the occasion.

About an hour later the opens revealing The slender brothers

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About an hour later the opens revealing The slender brothers. The wall look very similar to Slender with no face with the exception of one which the fedora and a large coat who had a mouth, and the one with a Poka dotted suit who has a face.

"Greetings, brothers. Nice to see you. Also, this is my new pasta _____ her pasta name is Scarlet Blade." Slender said introducing me.

"Hello. I'm ____." I said looking up at the brothers.

"OH BROTHER SHES ADORABLE!" The one it's the poka dotted suit said "I'm Splendorman! You can call me Splendy!" And hugged me.

I hugged back not wanting to be rude and let go "it's nice to meet you too."

"Girl you look amazing. It's nice to know Slender has someone as stylish as you!" Another one said as they looked at me from top to bottom. They had a pair of glass, trendy brown vest and a collared white shirt along with brown pants.

"Well, you look trendy." I said "thank you, I'm graduated to be a costume and prop designer! Do I have to know what's on-trend to make the best outfits for movies you know? And I like to dress myself nicely. And slender is stylish in his own classy way."

"Wow can't argue with that. Nice to meet you ___ if my brother will allow it I need to talk fashion with you once and a while. It is nice." He said "oh where are my manners I'm Trenderman. You can call me trendy."

"Oh, so that's why you're so on-trend!" I joked as Jeff and Lui couldn't help but chuckle at.

"Wow, brother looks like I won't have to clean for you this time. It looks spotless!" On with a butler suit said.

"Yes actually ____ and Lui clean it a day or two ago and I'm glad too."

"Hello ____ I'm Tenderman. Now if your excuse me I want to try new recipes." He said and left.

"Wow, I hope I can try his cooking," I mumbled.

"Oh don't worry Child you will. You see my brothers are going to stay for a few nights." Slender said.


"Hi, I'm Surrender. I'm the youngest of the slender brothers." The one with the blue sweater said hiding behind Splendy.

"Oh, _____ Surrender is very shy. I hope you don't mind." Splendy said.

"I don't. Nice to meet you surrender I hope we can get along." I said with a warm smile as I nodded gently.

"Hello, sexy~ if you nee-" I interrupted the one it's the fedora.

"I'll stop you right there. Please don't call me that it's weird I just met you." I said.

"Oh, then sweet cheeks. I am Sexual Offenderman. You can call me Smexy or Offender. Or if you like Daddy~ in bed." He said with a smirk as he walks up to me and lifts my face up to look to him with his tentacle?

"Uhh heh no.... sorry I'm not that kind of girl," I said uncomfortable and moved away but his other tentacle wrapped around my waist and held me closer to him to the point I'm leaning on him.

I blushed and said "offender can you let go, please. I'm very uncomfortable..." as I hear Jeff growled a bit.

"Offender let ____ go now," Jeff said and raise his knife as the offender let's go of me.

"Okay okay geez I'm just playin. But seriously sweet cheeks. Call me if you want a really man to show you what real fun time is~" offender and lick my cheek and left.

I whipped my face and shiver "eww. Slender I don't think I like Offender that much. He seems a bit .... perverted."

"It's fine Child he's like that to all women," Slender said.

"Anyways ____ how about you, Sally and I hang out a bit! We can have a tea party!" Splendy said.

"Sure! Lui, Jeff you want to come?"

"I don't see why not," Jeff said.

"Ok. Ugh, sally is probably gonna make use wear a dress again! I don't want to go! Sully if you don't want to then don't come out. Plus where going to hang out with ___ too isn't that great! I hate you, Lui." Lui said.

"But Sully you can't hate Lui! You're a part of each other so you be hating yourself too!" I said.

Lui and sully were speechless and just nodded.

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