Chapter 1: What day

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   Wow I'm so energized I literally forgot what happened yesterday! (Y/n) thought as she yawned getting up to go downstairs for water.

It was true. After (y/n) explained what happened to her, she showed the cuts she made. Some of them fainted, cried, and was fueled with anger. Dream healed her and soon after put her to sleep. "Ink." Nightmare looking at him. Ink knew he had to erase all memory of what happened. It might dramatize you or you could of caught thanatopia. Ink had to concentrate some of his magic to do this process. It takes an hour to get the certain memories and erase them from your mind.

"Okay guys. She's all good." Ink said pretty tired. It takes almost all of his magic to erase the memories. They all sighed and went to their rooms.

                     (Y/n) POV

"Hey kiddo how you feeling?" Killer asked. "Pretty good. Um what happened yesterday?" I asked sitting beside him. "Oh. You were goofing around till you slipped on Ink paintbrush and fell unconscious." He explained. Then I was hugged by a colorful neon. "Hey sugarbear." They coed in my ear. I turned to see sugarberry. "Oh hey!" I said cheerfully. I looked over to my side to see that killer was off the couch and in a corner. I looked at him confused. "Uuuuh...Killer?" I asked "Nevermind him let me show you something." Sugarberry said pulling me off the couch. As soon as we turned around Dream was there. Arms crossed and tapping his foot. "You guys aren't going anywhere without me." He said bluntly. Sugarberry sighed. "Okay fine." He groaned Opening a portal. We were at a hospital. I looked at sugarberry who winked at me as we all walked in. "(Y/n)?" I heard a very familiar voice say. I turned to my side to see my mom. "Mom?" I said as my eyes widen. We both instantly hugged as the two skeletons watched. After that good moment. Mom looked at sugarberry then Dream. "Dream." She said glaring at sugarberry. "It's fine she's immune and a promised he wouldn't do anything evil." Dream explained. He seemed like he was brave enough to go near sugarberry. Everyone back at home was either eight feet away from him or close to me. "And since we all agreed on-" before sugarberry could say anything else he covered my ears. Which left me standing there dumbfounded. After there conversation, mom seemed a little sad. "Mom what's wrong?" I asked "Nothing it's just your gonna have to leave soon, so here's a gift." Mom replied giving me a small (f/c) box. Opened it to see a small bottle attached to the string. The bottle was glowing in rainbow colors. "Thanks Mom." I said hugging her. After we left to some other place. Suddenly Sugarberry got in front of us. "Do you a things happy with no blood or Gore?" He asked us. Dream and I both nodded. "Then we're gonna see..." Sugarberry pulled out Moana. "My eyes gleamed with happiness as Sugarberry created a portal home. I egarly jumped in as they came after. "What are you guys doing?" Nightmare coming out of the kitchen with a bag of chips. "Moana. Do-" "No." He interrupted and walked upstairs. "Let's watch it in my room." I exclaimed walking up the stairs.

Sugarberry put in the disk and skipped all the movie trailers.  (Author- Don't we all. Sugarberry- Shut up and keep writing!) In the middle of the movie where now Moana was in the ocean, my eye lids got heavy, so I decided to take a short nap. When I woke up the movie was over and Sugarberry and Dream was cuddling both sides of me. It was embarrassing, but they were sleep. I decided to go back to sleep too till the door slammed opened waking up the poor skeletons. "ALRIGHT GET THE FRICK OUT!" Error yelled grabbing Dream and threw him out of the room. "You too." He said to Sugarberry. Sugarberry hugged me and our cheeks touched. "NO." He said and stuck out his tongue that was neon blue. Error stomped over and used his strings to separate us. "Come on you virus." He said as he dragged out Sugarberry. "Well that's odd." I heard someone say. It was Cross. "When did you get here?" I asked him "Hmm. About three seconds ago." Cross answered. It was a few minutes of silence till I broke it. "Why are you here?" I questioned. "I was wondering if you...wanted some chocolate?" I said holding up a bar of Hershey's. I my eyes lit up as I politely took it. "Thank you." I said taking bit from the chocolate bar. Each bite got me more and more energetic. Cross watched me eat it up staring in satisfaction. "CROSS!" Horror yelled coming in. Blue then rushed in and held my hand.  "LETSGOPLAYOUTSIDE!"  He said "OKAY!" I said as we tried to run out the room, but Horror grabbed us by the back of our shirts and held us up. "Great. They both have a Sugar rush. With or without Sugarberry." He groaned as Cross smirked a teleported away. Horror dragged us downstairs and in a room with only games, jump ropes wholuhoops. We looked at Horror and he looked at us with a smile showing his Sharp teeth. He then threw us in the room as we landed on our butts."Knock yourselves out." He said closing the door. We did we played till we passed out.

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