Chapter 2: spaghetti

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I woke up all tied up in jump ropes I look over to see Blue hugging my side. He then started to wake up too. "Huh? Why on Earth are you tied up?" Blue asked carefully untying me. I shrugged as we went to the door, but it was locked. "Before we get out of here, can I try something?" Blue asked turning blue. I nodded my head and as soon as I did that, a pair of hands caressed my face and a pair of lips touched mine. From what I've heard this was called stealing a first kiss. It made my stomach feel weird. What's the meaning of a first kiss?

Third POV

(Y/n) and Blue both looked at the door as it opened revealing Horror talking to Dream."It wasn't my fault it was Cross beca-" Horror stopped and looked at them. Blue had a mischievous smile on his face as he was still caressing (y/n)'s face. Horror's only pupil he had disappeared and Dream eyesockets widened. "You didn't." Horror growled. Blue looked at them and started to act all innocent again since you were there and was spacing out. Probably processing what happened. "Oh what ever do you mean?" Blue asked putting a finger on his chin acting curious. "You mo-" "HORROR!" Dream yelled stopping him from cursing in front of you. Blue knew all the bad words, dirty jokes, and more unpleasant things you probably shouldn't be learning about. "Bye bye." Blue smiled and teleported you to the kitchen.

You're POV

"Shhhh. That's our little secret. Promise?" He said waiting for my response. "Pinky promise." I said holding out my pinky he took it the pinky promise. And walked out the kitchen. Then Fell walked in. (Just know you've been with them for like two months, so yeah.) "What's going on kitten and why the he-" "Language!" I heard someone yelled. Fell sighed going to the fridge and pulling out a catdog. I snatched it away from him and put it back in the fridge. "I'm cooking, so you can't eat yet." I said "What are you making?" He asked. "Spaghetti." I said proudly. Spaghetti was one of the only dishes I can make. "Okay just don't burn the kitchen down." Fell exclaimed walking out the kitchen. I soon got my ingredients and went to work.

"I'm done." I cheered doing a little happy dance. I was finally finished with the spaghetti. "Guys dinner is ready come get some." I said in the living room. Almost everybody was there except Nightmare and Ink. While everyone got their portions, I went to get Nightmare and Ink. Nightmare was in the library reading a book. "What are you reading?" I asked "War. It's about two twins in college. One was famous and other twin didn't like that, so through out those days they fought." He explained "Hope it ends well. Anyways there's food downstairs if you want some." I said "Thanks." I heard him mumble as I walked out the library. I then knocked on Ink's door. I assumed that he was working on some painting. "Come in." I heard him groan. "Are you okay I said sticking my head out. "Yeah just... Sleepy." Ink said with a sigh. "Well if your hungry there's food downstairs." I said "What did you make?" He asked "spaghetti." I said proudly as Ink smiled. I left his room and walked into the living room to see everybody happily eating. Well some just stared at it or eyed it suspiciously. I sat down in a corner were Error was. He was the one eyeing the food suspiciously. I huffed in annoyance. "What do you what want." He said slowly Scooting away from me. "Stop looking at it like that and eat it." I said clearly annoyed. Error glared at me as he picked up the fork. My eyes lit up as he ate some. "How does it taste?" I asked waiting for a response. "You should know what is tastes like. Your the one who made it." Error argued getting up and walking away. That made me a little disappointed. I was planning on eating till something flashed in my head. Someone that looked like Nightmare, but a yellow like outline. That was enough to make me lose my appetite. Ink was the last to get his dinner. "(Y/n) did you eat?" He asked sitting beside me."No. I lost my appetite." I state looking at my feet. "Stay right here." Ink said as he walked into the kitchen. He came out with another plate. "Here." Ink said putting the plate on my lap. "No thanks." I told him. He stopped eating and looked at me with shock. Ink then sighed and put his plate down. He took the fork and twirled the spaghetti on it. "Here." He said holding the fork of spaghetti up to my mouth. "I'm not hungry." I mumbled "Take it." Ink said "No." I said "(y/n)." He continued "No." I stated a little louder."eat it or I'll force it down your throat." He warned which caused some of the others to Snicker, space out, or choke on their drinks. "Guys that's not what I meant!" Ink yelled as Blue came out of nowhere, took the fork from Ink, and shove the spaghetti in my mouth. He then covered my mouth."Chew." He stated. He does this when I either hate what's on my plate or he was getting annoyed. I hesitatly chewed my food as Blue uncovered my mouth and sighed. "Keep. Eating." Blue said bluntly and stared at me. Yep he definitely was annoyed. "Thanks Blue." Ink sighed "Your welcome." Blue told him still looking at me eating. "I'll have my revenge." I mumbled under my breath finishing my food. "You know the rules." Blue said like an angry parent. I huffed and walked up to my room. This was one of my consequences for not eating. I would be sent to bed. Pappy use to- wait a minute. He's not Pappy and we're not kids anymore! I ran back downstairs for an argument. "Hey! We're not kids any-" "But your still in trouble." Blue interrupted from in the kitchen. I ran back upstairs and to my room. When I was in trouble, that meant Blue was upset with me. I changed into my pajamas and went to bed.

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