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After eating, I brought out the reviewers that I needed to review. I hate studying but I just can't do nothing when tomorrow's already the last entrance exam. Yes, you read it right. It's the last entrance exam that I'm going to take. Unfortunately, I failed every entrance exams. I'm not really that dumb though. I graduated elementary school with flying colors. But yeah, that was before. I think I should just admit that I've become dumb now. Or maybe not dumb but lazy.

Moving on from dissing myself,  I need to review tonight. It was a wrong move to procrastinate but reviewing the night before is effective for me. I can easily remember things since it's still fresh in my mind.

Okay, let me start with Science.

It was surprising that I focused on reviewing instead of lazing around. The only problem was nothing came into my mind because the terms were somewhat difficult. I also started getting sleepy.

Don't fall asleep, this is just the first subject. I thought to myself.

"Nucleus controls all the activities of cell, ribosomes is where protein synthesis takes place, mitochondria is the powerhouse of the..." I stopped reading for a while because my eyes are about to close.

I felt like my brain is still not ready for this. Maybe I needed a break? Well, it isn't half bad. I'll just gonna have a five minute break and then I'll continue reviewing.

And so, I rested my head on top of my arm and took a nap on the table.

"Misu! Wake up!"

I slowly opened my eyes upon hearing that voice. It was my mom.

"Let me sleep. It's not five minutes yet." I muttered, trying to go back to sleep again.

"What five minutes are you talking about? Isn't your exam at seven a.m.?" She asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"It's already six in the morning."

"Mom, don't try to fool me. April fools' day was days ago. You're late."

"Yah! I'm aware of April fools' day. And besides, I'm not trying to fool you."

"Really? I'm glad that you're--wait, what did you just say?" I said.

"What? That I'm aware of april fools' day?"

"No, mom. The other one."

"I said that I'm not trying to fool you."

After she said that, I immediately looked at my phone and my eyes widened upon seeing it.

It's six freaking a.m.?!? Oh shit.

I went to the bathroom in a flash and took a bath. Then, after ten minutes, I got dressed.

Grabbing my bag, I checked my things if it's complete.

"Eat breakfast so that you'll have energy and I think this will help your mental clarity and concentration to increase." My mom suddenly said when she entered my room.

I went to the dining room and ate the oatmeal that my mom prepared as fast as I can.

"I'm done." I said as soon as I finished eating. "I'll get going now."

"Okay, sweetie. Take care and do well in your exam!"

How am I supposed to do well in my exam when I didn't even review a single thing? I thought to myself, sighing heavily.

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