(*^*) ❗️bad fluff❗️

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He stood up and walked over to me, meanwhile I'm pissed he faked being asleep ( >:(  )
He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into a hug. I finally got a click, I did like him , not just that ,I love him. I hugged back we let go of each other , I decided I would do something! I looked at tord and sighed "meet me on the porch after you eat." I said .

We looked into each other's eyes. I saw a spark, and he smiled. " okay ,I will" with that I walked back to the kitchen and sighed. The bacon supply was depleted so I only ate the eggs .

I went outside to the porch and waited. I heard the door creak open . Then someone step onto the porch. " sooo, you wanted to talk or..."
I cut him off by grabbing his hand and dragging him to a place I know. 
(Time skip, 45minutes)
" tommmm, are we there yetttttt." Tord complained I simply laughed. I pushed past trees and bushes until I was face to face with 'the boulder!!'Usually I would use my monster strength to help but, that would include a painful transformation so I put my back up against a rock and pushed my legs forward, moving 'the boulder!!' It opened a small enough gap for me and tord to fit though . I pushed tord though the gap and I then walked though.

What lay before us was a large flower bed with cherry blossom trees surrounding it . I looked over at tord and saw a huge grin on his face. I walked over to the flower bed and sat down I patted the ground Indicating for him to sit.

He walked over and sat , I turned to him and said " rough couple of days huh," he replied with a " yep , by the way next time you plan on being drunk at a public bar , bring someone with you." We both laughed.

I looked away and saw a beautiful red rose in front of me . ' huh that's weird , I thought I removed all the red flowers after one of our fights. I got up and went to one of the cherry blossoms, tord looked at me curiously . I picked up a small shovel and went back to the flower.

I dug it up being careful of the roots. I carried it to a bright blue rose I found a few weeks ago , I dug a hole right by the blue rose and planted the red one. Tord stood up and walked over to me , I looked up at him and smiled, his face turned bright red putting his hoodie to shame.

I grabbed the front of his hoodie pulling him closer. I then pressed my lips on his , he jolted like he didn't expect it.he calmed down and wrapped his arms around me I deepened the kiss pushing my tongue into his mouth. Both our tongues wrestled each other until tord was victorious, we broke apart for air  trailing some saliva with us. Both of us were breathing heavily from the kiss. I leaned my head on his shoulder and whispered " I love you"

Tord whispered back " you don't know how long I've wanted to hear that from you."he snuggled into me and we payed down on the flowers embracing each other.

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