When I Tell You

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When I tell you I am tired,
I do not mean physically.
I mean my body aches from fighting
My demons have been screaming
And I am so tired of being here,
Of fighting a war I haven't won.

When I tell you I am fine,
I do not mean I am fine.
At least not in your definition.
I am fighting a battle inside this body
That rages on through good and bad days, bringing me endless pain.
I am hurting, and I need you.

When I say you can go,
I do not mean leave me.
I mean I cannot ask you to stay
I have asked so many to stay,
Only to watch them leave anyways.
I want you to stay, but you must make that choice.

When I say I love you,
I mean it with all my heart.
Love is such a rare feeling
Inside this broken cage of a body.
You show me feelings I never possessed
And I love you more than anything.

When I say I'm sorry,
I mean it so truly.
I'm sorry for all of my bad days.
For the days and moments ruined
By these voices in my head.
I'm sorry that I burden you each day.

When I say thank you,
I want to truly thank you.
For all of the patience you've shown
For every late night,
Every phone call when I was breaking.
I can't think of enough ways to thank you.

Please know what I say,
And what I mean,
Can be such different beasts.
But I do mean some things.
Even within this chaotic mind,
And traitorous body.

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