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You see my mind as simple.
But my mind is complex.
Filled with demons wreaking havoc
Over angels fighting for air
Filled with overthinking nights
And loving thoughtful days
Filled to the brim but never overfull
Never empty, either.

You see my words as simple.
But my words are complex.
Hours spent on each sentence, each paragraph
That spills out to you
In hope of communicating these lost thoughts
These desperate hopes and needs
Carefully crafted, yet ignored.
Never enough to speak the right things

You see my heart as simple.
But my heart is incredibly complex.
Aching for one love that does not hurt
Filled with care and sorrow
Riddled with breaks, cracks, and bruises
Straining against a cynical mind
Filled with love, filled with hope
Never too broken to forge on and love

You see me as simple.
But I have never been less complex.
As I grow and race forward
Losing more and more of myself
While also gaining invaluable truths
Feeling everything, feeling nothing
Spending all waking hours wishing
I will never be simple, but oh how I wish I was.

The way you see I am.

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