Author's Note

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Hello, I just wanted to stop in to thank you all for supporting Forever Writing. All of your support means the world to me. This was a special piece to me and my first fully cohesive collection of poems.

Forever Writing is in the process of being made into a published print book, which will feature over 20 more poems with new organization as well. If you're curious how that process is going, check my message board as I update there often.

The new cover (you may notice) has a great rose, which is an art piece I had commissioned specifically for this book project. The artist was so kind and worked with me to make the perfect image for my cover. I'm so grateful. Their name is Maxine Azzara (you can find their portfolio and art just by looking the name up on Google). An incredibly talented artist.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed these poems and stick around to read some of my other collections that are up. Thank you again. Best wishes!


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