1:Sarcastic Venom

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Started: April 10th,2020 12:32 am
Finished: April 10th, 2020 1:39 am
Published:April 10th,2020 5:26 pm
"Prisoner 244 face the wall" I stood eyes on the case that had entered with my guards, I then turned to face the wall sighing.
"If your gonna kill me then let me know so I can wave to other prisoners on the way" I said glancing back at the guards.
" We're not killing you, no one is...hold out your wrist" I raised and eye brow but did as told.
"Where am I going then I haven't left this cell in 3 years 4 months and 5 days?"
I nodded as a heard a click and looked down at my wrist.
"Why am I not surprised that you along with one other person didn't fuss and cry and scream..."
"Because I don't feel pain"
"Yes, true"

The guards held my arms and led me to a drop ship. Others we're just being pulled out unconscious.
"They are sending us to the ground?"
"Yes, you and 99 other prisoners will be sent to earth"
They pushed me into a seat next to a boy, dark hair, icy eyes...I've never seen him before.
" Wait wait we'll all die" I stood shaking my head
"I knew she wouldn't listen, hit her" A gun came up and everything went black...

I woke as everyone else got loaded in but I pretended to still be asleep. I must have drifted of again cause I woke again, still pretending to be asleep, when the drop ship shook.
"That's the atmosphere" someone said. I heard the Chancellor rambling on and on about how we're expendable.

Another little shake caused my head to fall to the right and my cheekbone to hit the boy from earlier on the shoulder. I heard a groan but he did not move or move me or even do anything. The load chatter made me assume everyone else was woke by now I slightly opened by eyes, I lifted my head off his shoulder then rubbing my eyes at the light of the tv where the Chancellor was shown. I looked over at the boy who was looking at me.
The boy hummed in response.

I looked around and then someone floated by winking at me.
I saw icy eyes give floater a little glare and I laughed. Two more people got out of their seats and began floating too. Someone kept on yelling but I was watching icy eyes.

More banging and shaking happened and I griped the seat belt tightly, shaking.
"Calm down sleeping beauty"
I looked over at the boy and shook my head, he had a nice voice, not to deep but not to high.
" How can you be calm, Imma die before I experience pain!" I almost yelled getting a few others attention.
"Yeah yeah me too, suck it up" I tilted my head slightly.
"You're the other kid that my guards said didn't fight" I figured it out.
"Must be, did he say I was allergic to human contact?" Icy eyes asked rolling his eyes
"No and now I wish I would've touched your skin and you would have died"
I have him little glare and he looked at me with a smirk
"We're gonna be good friends" His smirk grew as I laughed at him.
"I'm Ceifeiro Wolf"
The boy looked at me shocked, as my great grandmother told me once 'Shookith' I don't know what that means but apparently it's an old saying from earth for shocked.
"M-murphy" He stuttered before regaining his composure
"John Murphy, call me Murphy"
"It seems by your reaction that my reputation holds"
"Yes, yes it does" A loud bang could be heard along with the shaking of the whole drop ship, fallowed by screams and white mist filling the room. Then everything went quite.

"Listen...no machine hum" a Asian boy strapped to the wall said the boy next him who was wearing goggles fallowed with "whoa" I unclipped myself and ran towards a ladder knowing that I was on the second floor.
Murphy fallowed quickly after me.

I stopped in the back and began to try and push my way threw the crowd but someone grabbed my arm. I look Murphy in the eyes.
"Calm down sleeping beauty" he pointed at the door and then almost on que a blinding light seeped around the door. After my eyes adjusted I saw green and brown and blue and little white. It was beautiful
"Wow, Murphy look at it"
"I can see it"
A girl I recognized alittle walked out onto the ramp before jumping off and taking a deep breath.
"We're Back Bitches!" She screamed throwing her hand in the air and with that everyone ran out into our new home.

Sorry it's kinda short but I wrote this in an hour when I couldn't sleep so sorry bout that
-Your sarcastic queen,

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