4:The right is all that's left

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Started:May 15th, 2020 1:45 Am
Finished:May 15th, 2020 11:45 AM
Published:May 15th, 2020 11:47
Everything was fuzzy until my eyes a justed to the dimming forest. I swayed lightly with small chatter around me. Once my eyes were completely a justed I looked up at the person carrying me. John Murphy.

"M-murphy?" I asked my voice dry.
He looked down at me startled at first before smiling and setting me down on ground.

"You..." He sighed. Then he glanced at everyone standing around me, Finn carrying Jasper with the help of Clarke and Bellamy holding the large leopard that had attacked me.
"You got clawed"he spoke pointing at my shoulder "and you hit your head but..."
"But what?" I stood up and went to walk past him but tripped on his boot.
"Haha, that's weird. Usually I have pretty good reflexes and coordination" I said pretty pathetically.
"That's cause...you are blind" He looked so sad and then held an arm out to my left...it disappeared after passing what I could see of the tip of my nose.
"No no, that's" I laughed anxiously "that's impossible" I reached up and touched the left side of my face. I felt deep claw marks, 2 going over my eye.

I shook my head still in denial that I had lost my vision. I held my 2 hands about 2 feet away from my face and slowly pulled then away from eachother to test my perferal vision. I seen my right hand in the corner of my right eye but my left hand just disappeared from my view after passing my nose.

"You'll make it through this, we'll all help you" Bellamy piped up and gestures around the group of juvenile offenders and people who only wanted to protect the people they love.

I stood up and turned my head so I could see Murphy at my left. I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Ok idiot, your now my left eye" I attempted to lighten the mood. A couple people chuckled

"Yeah yeah sure. Since you depend on me like a wolf pup Imma need to start calling you Puppy instead" An infamous Murphy smirk skittering its way on his face.

I chuckled before we began walking, I had no idea what I looked like but probably bloody since all my clothes were bloody.

Once we made it back to camp many people asked what happened. All of them gasped at the sight of me and goggle boy.

I layed in the grass after we made it home, people were taking off they're wristbands for food. I already had mine off but I wasn't hungry, I lost my appetite when I saw myself.

Less then 5 minutes ago Bellamy came over and handed me a shiny piece of metal. The girl staring back at me in the reflection was covered in blood. One eye a nice bright green and the other? White and bloodshot. 3 long claw marks trailed from her eyebrow to her cheekbone, 2 of whitch crossed her eye. She also had a shoulder injury on her right, 3 long claw marks that tore the right shoulder of the shirt to nothing so now she had a shoulder cut out on her right. She had a small bump on her head from the wight of the leopard and herself slamming into the ground. Her light brown hair now looked marron with the blood.

That girl was now me....

"Ceifeiro!"I turned my head to see Clarke waving at me with a satisfied Murphy and an annoyed Bellamy standing along side her.

I stood and made my way slowly over to her as not to trip with my new challenge.
"I can clean your wounds now" she spoke and then waved for me to fallow her into the drop ship.

Once inside I layed down on a hammock that hung from the metal pipes and poles in the ceiling. Clarke cleaned my wounds and bandaged them up, including my eye and she told me to watch the bump on my head and make sure that the swelling went down before I went to sleep.

I stumbled a bit leaving the drop ship and was immediately met with a angry Bellamy and Murphy telling people to get on line to get they're wristbands off.

"Lefty!" I called to Murphy, he spun around and gave me a 'really? I'll come over there and kick your ass' look.
"Got any of the thing that took my eye and gave you your new nickname left?" I questioned striding over to him, slightly getting used to the blindness on flat, clean ground.

"For you, Puppy" He pushed a stick with a hunk of meat towards me then pulled another away from they're strange holder and handed it to me. Bellamy gave him an annoyed look and Murphy shrugged.

" She lost her eye to this thing, let her enjoy the payback" He paused and looked around at the other teens who stopped and looked over at Me.
"You hear that? Even though she loses an eye to this creature..." He pointed at the meat sticks. "She has the courage to keep going!" Murphy shouted.

"Honestly though she got even more ugly and that was impossible before" he spoke at a normal tone that caused me to send my hand in to the back of his head.

"Ow, you bitch" He whined
"Ow, your face" I spun around and walked off back into the drop ship to sleep.
"Night night Lefty" I smirked over my shoulder and left him standing there, arms crossed with his smirk almost a smile.

I woke up surrounded by other teens in the drop ship. I stood from the floor and exited the ship.

I walked out into pitch black, the fires must have gone out and there was nothing else to create light.

I seen my self in the water collection thingy. My left side faded away into a strangely attractive left side. I turned around to face the person. John Murphy.

"Always come with me"

I woke up panting, not because I was scared but because I was confused. I looked around the room. Only a few teens slept on the top floor of the drop ship. Can't wait to see what hell takes place tomorrow.

Puppy (John Murphy)Where stories live. Discover now