Twelve (Part 1)

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Lily finally finished cleaning off the gun, putting the bullets into the chamber before pointing it towards the wall, lightly smirking.

"This thing still has a dead center shoot." She said.

"Well, that's a good thing at least." Jackie said. "Means the shots we take will be more accurate."

"Thank you captain obvious." Lily said when she suddenly snapped her head towards the window, her stance stiff. "What the hell?"

Getting a closer look, Jackie was behind her, Lily sniffing the air, her eyes widening, her grip tight on the gun. "Shit..."

"What is it, Lily?" Jackie asked.

Growling low in her throat, her fangs shot out of her gums. "The demons..I can smell the sulfur." She went towards the door. "We gotta tell the boys."
Not waiting for a response, she went to their room, pounding on their door until Sam answered.

"What's up?" He asked, looking at her fangs wearily.

"The demons..they're in town. I can smell their sulfur a few miles from here." She said. "Looks like we're fighting them now."

Informing Dean, they got their angel blades and demon knife, handing the knife to Jackie while Lily grabbed her own angel blade when they heard the flap of wings. Whirling around, they saw Cass standing behind the girls.

"You know too?" He asked.

Dean nodded. "Yeah, Lily said she could smell them a few miles from here."

"You gonna help us?" Jackie asked.
Cass gave her a nod. "I will do what I can."

"Great." Sam said. "You got the gun, Lily?"
Lifting her jacket to the side, the gun sat in the inside pocket. "I do."

"Good." Dean said, smirking at her. "Let's go end these sons of bitches."


Lily guided them to the place where she caught the scent. Coming up to an empty field, the smell to her was strong.

"This is it.." She said, putting the car in park. Climbing out, she had her blade out, Jackie standing by her, taking in her surroundings. "They're here."

"Yeah, I can sense them too." Cass said, him, Sam and Dean coming up to them. "Definitely more than one.."

"Behind you!!" Lily shouted, Cass whirling around, using his own angel blade to stab the demon in the gut before they had a chance to attack them. Immediately aware that there's more, they broke out into battle.
Dean threw his fist across one before stabbing them in the neck. Watching the orange light flicker in their skin, he pushed them down before moving onto his next opponent. They had their own weapon, swinging at him. Dodging most of it, he got nicked on the cheek. Ignoring the pain, he kicked them in the kneecap before finishing the job.
Sam shoved the blade from behind, the tip of it sticking out of their mouth before they fell, yanking it back. Another caught him by surprise, tackling him to the ground, throwing their fists across his face repeatedly until he felt dizzy. Using what he had for strength, he kneed them in the groin, causing them to yell before he stabbed them in the chest. Spitting out some blood, he continued to fight.

Lily helped Jackie when she could, ripping heads off of a couple opponents. Snarling, she had one up against one of the cars before killing them off. One got her in the back of the head with a rock, causing her to yell in pain before she whirled around, snapping their neck and sticking the blade into their skin. Hearing a scream, she turned to see Jackie trying to fend off her enemy. Sprinting to her in a flash, she bit down on their neck before ripping their head off, spitting out the demon blood. Looking at her, the both gave a nod to say they're fine before going back to the task at hand.

Cass palmed some of them, white light illuminating from his hand before their eyes burned out of their skulls. Flipping his angel blade backwards, he stabbed another before they could do anything. Pulling it back out, he grabbed another by the neck, slamming them to the ground, burning them alive.

"Enough!" A voice yelled, the demons suddenly stopping before they could attack. Confused, Cass turned to where the voice came from, his eyes going big. "I think it's time we meet in person.."

"You can't be..." He breathed.

"Oh, but I am, Castiel." They said, coming into view.

Dean immediately felt fury rise to the surface, his eyes not believing what he was seeing. There's no way they're back, he remembers killing them! How the hell is this possible??

"No...not you." He said.

They had the worn out brown leather jacket over a plain black button-up shirt, and regular blue jeans, their eyes pale yellow. Short, brown hair covered only the top of their head.

"Hiya, Sam and Dean." Azazel said, spreading his arms wide. "Miss me?"

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