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Over the next two days, they made their way back to Kansas. Once they did, they went back to the bunker, the familiar smells giving the boys a sense of comfort despite the chaos that just happened.

"Home sweet home." Dean said, turning to the girls. "There's plenty of extra rooms down the hall for you two, if you want."

"Okay." Jackie said, Lily following her to one of the rooms. Picking a random one, they both went in there, getting themselves situated.

"Dang..this place is huge!" Jackie said. "I kinda like it."
Lily smirked. "Yeah, it's pretty cool."

Coming across the journal, she ran her fingers along the leather cover of it, the memories flooding once more. Picking it up, she set it on the nightstand, placing the gun on top of it. They were the two most important things she can hang onto from him, no matter the circumstances.
"So what're you gonna do?" Jackie asked.

Thinking, she turned back towards the open door. "I don't know...but I think I need to settle something first."

It was like her best friend knew, for she chuckled, playfully poking her shoulder. "Go get 'em tiger."
Lily scoffed. "Whatever you say, Jackie."


It was now nighttime, Lily wandering down the hall until she saw another open room door. Peeking inside, if she had a heart, it would be picking up pace right now. Softly knocking on the doorframe, Deans head perked up.

"What's up?" He asked, letting her come in.
She closed the door, leaning against it. "How's your head?"
Dean lifted a shoulder. "It's fine now." He stood up from the bed, taking a few steps closer. "I should ask you the same thing too..I saw you hit the car. So are you okay?"

Lily nodded. "Yeah." She pushed herself off the door. "Listen...I need to talk to you."
He crossed his arms. "Okay."
Biting her lip, what she said next, she couldn't take back. "You ever...get that feeling have feelings for someone but you don't know how to say it?"
Her face went paler than normal, her posture stiff when Dean smirked. "Yeah I've had that feeling."
"Okay so I'm not the only one.." She said. "But I mean it.." She held her gaze. "I know this is gonna sound crazy but...I've had feelings for you, Dean. Ever since I saw you back at the motel after I attacked Sam, I've been mentally kicking myself for even thinking of it because I'm afraid of letting anyone close to me like that and—"
Dean cut her off, taking her face in his hands, giving her a gentle kiss, backing away just as quick. Blinking a few times, her eyes were huge.

"That was to get you to shut up." Dean teased, his eyes bright. "Because I was gonna tell you the same thing."
Lily closed the distance between them, feeling like a weight has been lifted from her shoulders. Hesitating a few times, she carefully touched the side of his face, surprised that he didn't back away from it.
Deciding to play along with the tease train, she playfully smirked at him. "Well don't stop on my count."
Closing the distance, she kissed him again, feeling his arms snake around her waist, his mouth slowly exploring hers.
It was like all her emotions came out of their shells at once: happiness, fear, lust, even a little hope. She has never let this happen, but now that she's in the circle of his arms, she felt more safe than she ever has. And she wanted that feeling to stay for a while.
Backing up into the wall, her back welcomed the chill of the concrete, letting Dean fit into her, her hands roaming across his back, his shoulders, his chest.
He suddenly moved his lips to her neck, dragging them along her skin. Tilting her head back, she closed her eyes, a soft moan coming out of her.
This is exactly what she needed, and she could tell he did too. They both needed a distraction, to be pulled away from the real world, even if it's only for a night. The want, need, was all there, the way he carefully handled her as he moved his lips back up her skin, the way she wanted more and more each second.

Pressing his mouth to hers again, it was passionate. Tangling her hands in his hair, she drew away too soon, both of them catching their breath.
Glancing behind him, she shrugged out of her jacket, tossing it on the floor. "The bed looks a little lonely, don't you think?" She said in a soft voice.
Dean smiled devilishly. "I think so."
Picking her up in his arms, he carried her over to there.

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