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Once Cass saw what was going on, he knelt down next to Sam. "Who did this to him?"

Dean pointed behind him. "She did."
Cass turned once he healed Sam, and he slowly stood back up. "Lily?"

Her skin was white, shock all over her face, unable to speak before she sped off back into the motel. Sighing, he turned back to Dean, who was helping Sam stand back up.

"Oh...thanks Cass." Sam said, leaning against Dean as he put his arm around him for support. "When did you get here?"

"Soon after the incident." Cass said. "Where are you guys heading to?"

"Wyoming." Dean said. "Sam thinks the colt is there buried within the devils trap."
"For the upcoming fight." Cass said. "Clever."

"Hey, we were heading there too!" Jackie said. "I think we were gonna get that gun also."

Cass turned to her. "You're a hunter?"
She nodded. "Yeah. I'm Jackie!" She glanced back at the motel. "I'm sorry..about my friend Lily..she's...she's kinda overly protective."

"It's alright. We've dealt with worse." Sam said as they started heading back inside.

"How is her basically trying to kill you okay??" Dean asked. "Right now, I'm seriously considering just leaving her here or even ending her!"

"Hey, that's my friend you're talking about!" Jackie sassed. "I'll try to talk to her, and see if she changes her mind about this."

"Right now, we need rest." Dean said, opening the door to their room. "And for Sam to not faint on us."

Once the group separated, Dean helped his brother sit down on the bed before getting him some water. "Here."

Sam lightly took it. "Thanks." He said in a soft voice. "So...Cass..why did she react to you like that?"

Cass tilted his head. "Who, Lily?" When he nodded, Cass let out a sigh. "It's a long story..right now we need to prepare ourselves to get the colt."
"Why don't we let them join us?" Sam suggested. "I mean, they're also looking for it too, so it would make sense."

"Yeah, just go ahead and work with someone who tried to kill you, Sammy. Very clever." Dean said angrily.

"Again, we've dealt with worse." Sam said. "Why would this be any different?"

"Uhh, because she's a vampire, Sam!" He snapped. "I'm not dealing with that!"

"She's not what you think." Cass said, catching him off guard. "Yes, she's..a little aggressive at times, but she's not like other vampires you have killed in the Jackie said, she's very protective of her."

"And why would that get me to trust her?" Dean sassed.

Cass looked at him straight in the eye. "That's for her to explain, if she ever does...right now, you two need rest. I'll be in touch."
He vanished into thin air, Sam finishing his water. "You know, Dean...he has a point. We're protective of our friends, too. At least be a little open-minded and give them a chance."

As Dean laid down on his bed, he let out a heavy breath, mumbling a "yeah" before he closed his eyes.


When it was morning, the boys packed up their things before checking out of the motel, heading out to their car when Jackie approached them.

"Oh hey." Sam said with a smile. "What's up?"

"How're you feeling?" She asked. "After..ya know..all that last night."

He shrugged. "I'm fine now. Just needed some rest that's all." He gave her a reassuring look. "It's okay, Jackie. I've been through worse."

"Smooth, Sammy." Dean teased, playfully hitting his shoulder.
Sam rolled his eyes. "Shut up, Dean."

Jackie scoffed. " did you guys want to look for the colt together?"

That question grabbed Dean's attention, joining in on the conversation. "I don't know,'s just--"

"I know...I talked to her a little bit last night and..she somewhat let up..but look, she's not like that all the time." Jackie said.

"That's what Cass told us." Sam said. "If it was me, I would give her a chance."

"Why?" Lily asked, approaching them, staying a couple feet back. "It was loud and clear that Dean didn't want that." When he gave her a dumbfounded look, she narrowed her eyes. "Don't think I didn't hear that you wanted to end me."

"Okay, put that aside for one damn minute!" Sam suddenly snapped. "We're all looking for the same thing to end the fight with the demons. It would be pointless if we fought each other to get the damn thing, when we have to use it for the same event in the end."
"Exactly." Jackie agreed, her eyes on Sam. "I'm in."

Dean sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I'm gonna regret this...I guess I'm in."

Sam nodded, turning to Lily, who still stayed back. "What about you?"
It took her a few seconds to speak, folding her arms. "It's only to get the colt...nothing else."

"Sounds good to me." Sam said.

Lily nodded her head once. "Alright..." She looked at Dean, his hazel eyes bright in the light sunlight that caught them just right. "Fine."

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