Thirteen (Part 2)

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"Azazel??" Jackie exclaimed. "You're supposed to be dead!"

"That's what they keep telling me." Azazel said. "But here I am..and this show is just getting started."
Flicking his wrists, they all flew back in a different direction, Dean the only one not hitting something while everyone else did. Sam hit a tree, Jackie hit a stone, and Lily hit the corner of the Impala, all of them not moving once they landed on the ground. Cass still stood, looking around wildly when Azazel had his hand on his shoulder.

"Time to go back, buddy." He said, and snapped his fingers, Cass blinking out of existence, as well as the other demons. "Now that's better."
Dean stood back up, realizing he was the only one that was conscious, but the gun was right next to him. Must've flew out of Lily's pocket he thought to himself.

"Just like old times, am I right?" Azazel said, approaching Dean. "Just you and me."

"Shut up, you bastard." Dean sneered, quickly snatching the gun, pointing it right at his forehead. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you."

"Awe. I was hoping we could chat." He said. "After all...we have a history of this."

"Yeah, and I don't care." Dean said, and fired, but Azazel was suddenly not there, leaving him confused before arms wrapped him in a choke hold from behind.
"Alright, fine. If this is how you want it..." He tightened his grip. "...then so be it."

Vaulting him over his head, Dean landed hard on the ground face first, the gun no longer in his hand, but Azazel's, watching him admire it.

"I always loved this a way. So intricate..and deadly." He said. "The only gun that can kill someone like me." Chuckling, he pointed the barrel at Dean. "Guess that's not happening, now is it?"

Dean got back on his feet, spreading his arms. "Well, what're you waiting for? Get it over with...unless you're scared." He taunted. "See..I've killed you in the know I can do it again, and make sure you stay the fuck dead. You think you're a tough son of a bitch..but you're just covering the chink in the armor." Azazel's lip twitched with anger, but it didn't stop Dean from what he said next. "Yeah that's what I're nothing but a belly-to-the-ground supernatural piece of crap that we've been squashing our whole lives." He took a step closer. "So go ahead...shoot me. Watch the bullet fly out of their and into me."

Azazel laughed darkly, rage in his eyes. "You always were the dumb one."

Firing, Dean dodged it, running up to him, throwing a punch along his jaw. Stumbling backwards, Azazel shot his hand out once more, Dean spinning back in the air before hitting the rock. His head had a line of red running down from it, but he ignored it, trying to get back up when the demon was right there. Having him in a choke hold once more, he pressed even harder.

"You're all it's time to be quiet." Azazel growled, not letting go.
Dean could feel his life slipping away, his body screaming for oxygen. He tried to get out of his grip, pounding on his arm with his fist, but it was no use, the demon smiling as his eyes slowly rolled into the back of his head.

"Hey!!" A voice shouted, catching Azazel off guard. Turning his head, Lily stood there, a cold look on her face, the gun in her hand. "Eat it, twilight."

Firing the gun, the bullet flew out, the blast sending it directly into Azazel's heart. Staggering, little sparks ran through his body, blood pouring out of his mouth before he dropped, his eyes lifeless.
Dean gagged for air, coughing and trying to get air back into his lungs. Lily dropped to her knees in front of him, her hands on his shoulders.

"Hey, you okay?" She asked. "Breathe!"

Taking a few deep breaths, he lifted his gaze to her, giving a nod. "Yeah...yeah I'm good."
She sighed in relief. "'re no good to me dead.."

Catching him by surprise, she stood back up before he could say anything.
" head.." Sam said, somewhat stumbling over to them. "What happened?"

Dean looked down at the body of Azazel then back up to his brother. "We won..he's dead."

He slumped his shoulders in relief. "Thank god.."

Lily examined the colt. "I was honestly worried it wouldn't work..but it did."
Seeing Jackie waking up, she went to help her stand up, her arm around her. "Can you walk?"

"I think so yeah." Jackie said, seeing her head was also slightly bleeding. "Where's Cass?"

"I'm here." Cass said, a little out of breath. "I'll take care of four head back."

Nodding, Dean turned to him. "Where did he send you?"

"He had me locked in heaven...but I got away." He said. "Now go."

As they began to drive back, Dean still had that sentence play in his mind, the one Lily said just before they left. He couldn't help but smile a little at that.
You're no good to me dead.

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