Chapter 6

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Dean's POV

I didn't look back for anything. This was the one chance where I can actually get away. The foot steps behind me increased in speed as Chucky caught up to me. Was it safe to stop? Maybe one quick look back wouldn't hurt.

Slowly looking back, I slowed down to see no one behind us. I caught my breath as Chucky stared at me in extreme confusion. "What the hell was that?"

I didn't want to tell him. He would probably just laugh or judge. It was best to keep it only between Dennis and I.

"Nothing," I lied. "I- just... Someone was there." How else would this be told? It would be stupid to say nothing when I clearly ran almost six damn blocks.

Chucky shook his head, glancing back to where we had ran from. "Psh, and I thought I was crazy." That's when his facial expression changed to anger. Back six blocks, I could've swore I saw him look through his pocket as if he had lost something. "What's wrong? Did you lose something?" Obviously, he did.

"The fucking amulet! Jesus, I had it with me and who knows if somebody picked it up?! I have to find it. It's the only way out."

The only way out? "What do you mean?" I asked. Was his soul transferred into that doll body as well? It must've been.

"To get out- never mind. Just go to wherever you were planning to go to." The doll shooed me away but that was very little in making me leave. I stood next to Chucky. "You had your soul put into a doll too."

The red head's blue eyes stared into mine. "What?"

"It's pretty obvious. You knew I had my soul transferred into this body. You even said so yourself to John when we first met. When I was the same doll as you. And I was. We all were, including Dennis."

"Yeah, duh. How else would you guys be able to talk right now?"

His temper was pretty interesting.. Something must've had happened to him to make him the way he was. Not all people were angry for no reason. Me and Denny saw the good in people, so I knew deep down, this guy had a heart.

The night made it difficult to see each other. Thankfully Chucky had bright blue eyes which I could somewhat see. I had walked about ten minutes before running into him. A bunch of questions raced through my head about him. Was he wondering the same about me? It's impossible to meet someone so new but not have the curiosity about them.

"I'll help you find it."

"No, I don't need anyone's help."

"Come on. It's not fair to always venture the city alone."

"Am I some type of kid now?"

"No. I'm just saying. I've always ventured the city alone with Dennis so I can imagine how it must feel. How old are you anyway? Just... Out of curiosity?..."

Chucky raised an eyebrow. "Wouldn't you like to know? Does it count if I'm in a doll body?"
I nodded at his question. "We're not human anymore so yeah. But just give me an estimation cause who cares?"

"Well, as a human I was in my early 30's. I don't care about that anymore. I just ignore it all because you can't see a doll as an age... Don't.. Please don't see it that way. Lord don't! I don't have an age anymore."

"Yeah me neither.. I was in my early 20's when I was a human. Or late teens. Ever since I was a doll I forgot everything... I don't even know my life before this. Only some parts."

Next thing I know, I could've swore I was seeing Chucky smiling. But it wasn't like a completely happy smile. Like sympathetic I guess you could say.

"Look this is sad and all, but I need to find this fucking amulet. Bye."

Putting my on hand on my hip, I glared at the red head. "I told you I would help you find it."

Chucky snapped his head in my direction to face me. "I don't need help."

"Ok, sure. Good luck finding it on your own. Sorry to piss you off." I walked away daring not to look back at Chucky. I would probably wind up crashing into him again. But I couldn't. I couldn't walk away.

"Hey, if I told you something do you promise not to say anything?" In return hopefully I would get something back..

"What?" he asked.

"Remember how I told you about the late night place? The place me and Dennis go to almost every night? Well, that place is in one of these alleys within the city. I would show you but you need to find the amulet."

Chucky's POV

WHAT!? Did he just say what I think he just said? Hell, the amulet was WAY more important but I was curious as fuck about this. If I go, I could somehow see more about these two and hopefully I'll persuade them into voodoo with me and helping me find the amulet. These dolls don't kill but they can be something of great importance.

"Um, sure whatever. Show me."

Dean took off his cap, and threw it up into the air, catching it before it fell on the ground. The doll began to walk deep within the city with me following behind. Smirking he put it back on his head. Was he trying to show off or something? That smirk though, not gonna lie...

We walked for about ten minutes before finding ourselves in a very dark alley. Shit, what sucked was that it was night time. I used my ears to listen to his footsteps ahead but my eyes could see his untamed red hair. I followed him when he walked down the stairs into an underground place of some sort. It was a hallway before a door with many locks came into view. Dean knocked on the door and tapped his fingers on the wood. There was an eye piece on the door which I was tempted to look through. Suddenly the door opened from someone on the inside. Dean's knocks did the trick it looked like. I almost jumped out of my fucking skin. Couldn't we have just cracked a window open?

I walked some type of club?

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