Spirits Part 2 (Yokai Series)

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Yokai AU (Series)
Collab with: -L1GHT
Pairings: Soramafu, Urasaka, Shimasen, Kashitsuki, Evesou, Soraru & Nqrse, Nanamori & Root, Colon & Satomi

Shima was currently sitting on the floor. He decided to take a break from practicing with Urata, Sakata and Senra. He took a sip of his water bottle, while watching his phone. He wasn't talking, which was something rare for him. Urata noticed that and sighed. Of course Shima would act weird.

Senra noticed so as well as he frowned when he saw that. The purple-haired male was less talkative than he usually was and Senra was worried so he decided to talk to the older male as he stood up and walked over to Shima.

Sakata noticed this as well as he slightly panicked and looked over at the brunet hoping Urata will stop Senra.

Urata nodded and took Senra's arm. "Don't worry, he's just tired. This idiot called us at 4am. So, he's too tired."

Senra looked at Urata and nodded, his worried expression not changing. "I guess... But I can't help but worry...", Senra said looking at Shima who was still silent. "I think I will still ask him just in case."

"Hm..Nah. Just let him rest for a little. Okay ?" The brunet was still holding Senra's arm, wanting to prevent him from talking to Shima, knowing the purple-haired was really bad at lying when it came to Senra.

"Well... if you say so, Urata.", Senra reluctantly said as he sat back down, next to Urata as Sakata smiled in relief. "If we're taking a break anyway, how about some food?"

"Sure, sure. Do you have something to eat ?" He didn't even glanced at Shima, who was still silent, and the purple-haired finally stopped looking at his phone to look at Senra. Ouch.

"Well, I brought some onigiri for everyone.", Senra said before he noticed the older male looking at him as he looked back, offering him a smile. "Do you want some onigiri as well, Mashi?"

Shima quickly nodded, smiling. "Sure, why not !" He sat next to the blonde-haired boy.

"Great~ Here you go then.", Senra said as he took some packed onigiri out of his bag and handed some to Shima and Sakata. "You want some too, Urata?"

Shima took an onigri, while Urata nodded. "Why not."

Senra handed Urata some onigiri before taking one for himself and start munching on it. "By the way, are you guys going to do anything after we finished work today?", Sakata asked with full mouth.

Urata took the onigri, before talking. "I dont know. Probably play some video games." The purple-haired stopped eating before thinking. "I..Actually don't know what i should dooo. Maybe sleep ? Aah, i don't want to sleeeep.."

"Sleep is boring, Mashi~ You don't want to end up being like Soraru-san, right?", Sakata joked as Senra chuckled. "If we all have time anyway we could just hang out together or something like that.", he suggested.

"Eeeehh... That will be without me. Sorry guys, just remembered I had something to do later~ !" Shima talked, trying to keep his tone as cheerful as usual while he is talking. Of course, he wasn't busy, buut he was just scared.

Senra's smile turned into a frown as he tilted his head. "Really? What do you have to do, Mashi?"

"Something privaate. You wanna know everything i am doing, now ?" The purple-haired teased Senra, while chuckling.

"Eh? A-ah, no. Just asking.", Senra denied blushing as he waved his hands around in defense. "Well, if Mashi won't join us, how about the rest of us just sleep over at your house and play games together, Ura-san?", Sakata suggested excitedly.

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