Danganronpa Part 2 (Various Ships)

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Pairings: Soraru x Mafumafu, Urata x Sakata, Shima x Senra, Kashitaro x Amatsuki, Luz x Nqrse, Araki x Nqrse, Eve x Sou, 96Neko, Lon, Neru

Danganronpa AU
I think this is a good point to tell you guys that all the victims and blackeneds will be randomized by me ww I decided to say this cause some people were scared of Mafumafu being Kaede or Soraru being Rantaro so let me tell you that that's not the case ww I'm sorry ahead for not proofreading, for this being such a long chapter and for this again not being the next part of No Game no Life T ^ T Anyways, I hope you'll enjoy this chapter!


It has been a few weeks ever since Monokuma had told them about this whole killing game. They had desperately tried to search for an exit. But only to no avail. In the end, they gave up as they decided to search for an exit at a slower pace and try to see if they could survive in this school.

Food and a place to sleep were no problem. The food would get restocked and each of them had their own dorm with a bathroom connected to it. They also got something called a Monopad which contained a messenger app, a map and the student files. They even got some different kind of weapons and a tool kit. Honestly, the situation could have been worse.

They all started to spend some time with each other, growing more closer to each other as they soon became friends. Well, the relationship between Soraru and Neru was questionable but Mafumafu guessed that they still got along.

Today was like the other days. Being awoken by the morning announcement. Going over to Soraru's dorm where Neru was trying to wake the older male up. Being the one who knocks on the door and then being the one who is actually allowed to wake the ravenette up.

For some strange reason, the raven-haired male decided to put his trust into the albino. And for an unknown reason, Mafumafu felt all warm in his chest, knowing that he was treated slightly more special than the others.

"Soraru-san! We have to get to the dining hall soon for breakfast.", Mafumafu said while Neru was trying to get the older male out of the room. Soon, a shuffling could be heard before the door opened to reveal a tired ravenette in his school uniform which, unlike the others, didn't give any hint about what kind of talent he'd have.

"Good morning, Soraru-san!", Mafumafu greeted him smiling as the older male muttered a small good morning as well. "Ah! Soraru-san, you still have bed hair.", Mafumafu pointed out giggling as he started to fix Soraru's hair who only stood there sleepily, not doing anything.

"Good morning, Soraru-san~", Neru chirped as the older male muttered one back. This encouraged Neru to give the older male a hug but when he jumped in, Soraru dodged that as he stepped aside. "Anyways, let's go into the dining hall.", Soraru said as he walked ahead and Mafumafu only giggled as he followed him.

Neru rushed to catch up to them as well as they walked to the dining hall where the others were waiting for them. As always, they were one of the later ones as Amatsuki was already setting the food on the table. He may have been the Ultimate Pastry Chef. But he was still a great cook as they al crowned Amatsuki as the mother of this group which the brunet denied.

But they all knew it was true in their hearts. "You guys are late again! The food will get cold if you get here so late every time!", Amatsuki scolded the as Neru nodded. "Yes~ We will, mom~", Neru said as the brunet turned red.

"I'm not your mother! I—". "Good morning everyone~ I hope you slept well~ Please assemble on the video recording room as soon as you're finished with breakfast! I'll see you there~", a familiar high-pitched voice announced as their mood immediately sunk down.

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