No matter what you are Part 4 (Soramafu & Naruluz)

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Pairings: Soraru x Mafumafu, Nqrse x Luz

Monster AU
I just noticed that whenever I start a series, I have no plan on what to write and it just ends up the way it ends up www Anyways, I hope you enjoy this series cause it'll still go on for a little bit~ ww No proofreading as always and hope you enjoy~


School was surprisingly fun. That's something Mafumafu had learned ever since he had applied to Kurogasaki Academy.

Sure, there were some people who picked on the albino for his race but after the raven-haired male had talked to them, none of them ever made fun of the albino anymore.

And so, he was able to enjoy his school life in peace. He even found new friends.

For example, there was the redhead Sakata who was a werewolf. He and the ghost Urata seemed to have some sort of special relationship but neither of them ever said anything about it and just bickered a lot in front of him.

Even so, the three of them became close friends along with the class rep Amatsuki who was a warlock. Unlike Urata and Sakata, Amatsuki actually was officially together with the fox demon, Kashitaro. Everyone knew about it and as both of them were influential and popular, no one dared to even do anything bad to the albino as they knew that Mafumafu was their friend.

He also learned more about Luz and Nqrse who seemed really close to each other. More like, the pink-haired male used to follow the light-haired male everywhere but now it was basically the other way around.

Mafumafu didn't know why it suddenly changed but he decided not to pry as they weren't that close anyway.

It had been a few months already ever since Mafumafu had transferred into Kurogasaki Academy. And even though he was happy that he finally got more friends, he couldn't help but start feeling lonely when he noticed that the time that he spent with Soraru grew less and less.

No, that wasn't the case. They had never spend that much time together to begin with. Soraru was his supporter, helping him with classes and organizational things.

Other than that, the two of them usually didn't spend any time together anymore. The last time they did so, was when Mafumafu still hadn't befriended anyone in this school yet.

And despite being happy of becoming friends with such kind people, the albino couldn't help but miss the times when he hadn't befriended them yet. Because those were the times when he could still spend most of his days with the raven-haired mummy.

Even so, Mafumafu had decided that he would still enjoy their time together when they would just go to the library to study for their classes together.

The albino had a lot of things he wanted to learn and Soraru was there to explain the things to him that he didn't know.

Despite his seemingly cold attitude, the younger male had learned that the older male was actually just really awkward and actually kind.

Mafumafu had also learned that the other male was a bit of a tsundere which only showed once in a while but he found himself to be lucky to be one of the only ones who knew about it.

The time that the two of them had spent together... even if it was only short and they mostly only studied... The albino grew to love those times. But lately...

"Hey, Soraru-san! Do you have time to study together today?"

"Ah, sorry, Mafu. I have to go somewhere today."

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