From Tsundere to Deredere (ShimaUra)

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Requested by Gaming_Crystal3099
Pairing: Shima x Urata
(I honestly don't know what genre I just made. I guess it's Fluff ww)

Shima sighed after he finally managed to leave the party to go home. He and Senra were invited by their fellow colleagues to go to their year end party and because they didn't have anything to do, they both accepted.

Just hanging out with each other and playing games. They were all having a really nice time. Until some of them started to drink alcohol. Everything escalated at that point.

Shima didn't even want to think back on what happened anymore. He tried to leave with Senra but the blonde was drunk and insisted on staying. After a long argumentation, one of the only sober people, Shoose, came to stop them.

He said he'd take care of the blonde and make sure he was alright, saying that he could sleep over and so, Senra stayed while Shima thanked the other male and packed his things before finally leaving. He sighed in relief as he fixed his scarf, breathing into his hands to make them warmer before he walked home to the shared house of USSS.

It was already past midnight but Shima ignored that as he walked the last steps to their house and opened the door before stepping in. He noticed that there were two pairs of shoes as he raised his eyebrows confused.

"Who would be already back at a time like this? Sakatan said he was busy with something... Maybe it's Uratan... but didn't he want to do a livestream with Mafu and the others today?", Shima questioned but his question was soon answered when he heard two people talking to each other.

"Urata-san, please stop clinging to me....", a light-haired male pleaded as the other person just giggled. "Why? We're friends, aren't we, Luz~?", the older male asked and Shima walked into the living room to find a tall light-haired male with the brunette having an arm around his neck, pulling the younger male down to his height as the both of them were sitting down.

"It's New Year so celebrate a bit more with me~ The others are out right now so I would feel lonely.", Urata said laughing while Luz merely frowned worriedly when he saw that the brunette reached for another glass of sake.

"Urata-san, please stop drinking! You're already drunk enough and you have a low alcohol tolerance!", Luz reminded the older male who ignored him and kept drinking.

"Don't worry about that~ Here. Do you want to drink some as well?", Urata asked and Luz shook his head. "No, I already had enough. And you should stop as well— Urata-san!", Luz shouted when he saw that the brunette drank another glass of sake. He merely laughed as he ruffled the head of the younger male.

"You don't have to worry cause I'm completely fine~", Urata assured but Luz merely frowned. "Why did I have to bring Urata-san back? I'm not used to do this... Soraru-san or Mafu-kun would have handled this much better than me.", Luz thought and hoped someone would be back soon so he could go home.

And just when he wished that he heard some footsteps and looked up to see the purple-haired male looking down at them.

The purple-haired male had been watching them for a while but decided to step in just now. The younger male immediately brightened up as he stood up, startling the brunette and Luz ignored Urata's protests as he walked towards the purple-haired male relieved.

"Shima-san, I'm so happy to see you right now! You see, me, Mafu-kun, Soraru-san and Urata-san were doing that new year end livestream and even though Mafu-kun warned him to not drink too much, Urata-san still ended up getting drunk.

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