Hear my voice beneath the sea

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Adam's: POV

June 4th 2015: Sydney

I was swimming around in the sea. I swam up the surface started singing a song that has been forbidden for 200 years. I sang higher when a sailboat came closer.

Into the sea. Hold you close to me. Slide 'neath the waves. Down into the caves.  Kiss me my love. Come rest in my arms. Dream your dreams with me. Slide beneath the sea. Come to me my love. Forget the land above.

"You sing so beautifully." said a man. "Thank you." I replied. "What's your name?" he asked. "Adam." I said with a smile on my face. "I'm Leo." he replied. "Swim with me." I said. "Sure." he replied and jumped down.

I swam up to him and kissed him. "I want to show you my world." I said. "I would love to see it." replied Leo. I smirked and swam down with him beneath the surface.

Come rest in my arms. Dream your dreams with me. Slide beneath the sea. Come to me my love. Forget the land above.

Leo drowned and his dead body fell down to the darkness. I took his body and ate him. I love the taste of human flesh.


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A terrible storm broke out at night. A ship sank and we ate the humans who ended up in the water. I swam up to the surface again and saw two children in the water. I couldn't let them drown or gets eaten. I took them to the beach where they were safe. But I couldn't leave the poor kids. I picked up a bottle and drank. A sharp pain went through my body. I passed out and everything went black.

Adam is a northern merman and they are very dangerous.

I hope you liked the chapter


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