We are dangerous creatures

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Catarina's: POV


April 17th 1912: England

Adam and I lay hidden behind a rock and watched the people. I don't understand how humans can walk on two legs.

"I'm not allowed to be above the surface." I said. "Me either." replied Adam. "Mother is so scared that I will be killed." I said. "I know she means well, but it's so fun to watch people." replied Adam. "I agree." I said.

"I can't understand that it's been two days since Titanic sank." replied Adam. "It was a terrible night, I still hear the death screams in my ears." I said. "I'm glad you saved the children." he replied. "I couldn't let them die." I said. I will never forget the look in her eyes, when she was reunited with her children." replied Adam.


I saw a hungry boy stealing an apple.  His father saw it and gave him a slap across his cheek. The poor boy ran crying away.

I picked up my flute and began to play a tune. The man heard the melody and went down to the beach. I played louder to attract him. He went out into the water and his eyes were empty. I dived into the water and swam up to him. I kissed him, before I took him under the water.  He drowned and I ate of him.

-End of the flashback-

Thank you glambertybear for being in my book

They only kill people who are evil

I hope you liked the chapter.


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